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: EN ILLS . <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: February 22, 2010 <br />TO: Mayor & City Council <br />FROM: Meagan Beekman, City Planner <br />SUBJECT: Planning Case #: 09-023 <br />U.S. Bank (Michael O'Rourke) on behalf of the George J. Reiling Estate <br />Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Amendment and Zoning Code Amendment <br />1296 County Road F <br />Back�round <br />U.S. Bank, on behalf of the George J. Reiling Estate, has submitted an application for a Zoning <br />Code Amendment as it relates to the existing 240 foot communications tower and associated <br />antennas located at 1296 County Road F, hereafter referred to as the Reiling Tower. The original <br />CUP for the Reiling Tower was approved in 1972 (Attachment D). The CUP allowed for the <br />construction of a communications tower and seven microwave dish antennas on the parcel <br />located at 1296 County Road F. Although the approved dish antennas could be replaced with <br />other equipment in the same location, the original CUP did not include provisions for adding <br />antennas or relocating antennas at different heights on the tower. <br />Over the course of the next several decades, antennas were replaced, removed, and relocated on <br />the Reiling Tower. There is not a consistent record of building or electrical permits for this <br />work, and the original CUP was never amended to accommodate the changes made to the <br />Reiling Tower. This discrepancy was discovered during recent inquiries by Clear Wireless to <br />add new antennas to the Reiling Tower. <br />The antenna tower had been maintained by a company called Great River Wireless; however, <br />they abandoned their rights to the tower in early 2009 due to a disagreement with the Reiling <br />Estate. Mike O' Rourke from U. S. Bank was hired by the Reiling Estate to manage the property. <br />Staff informed Mr. O' Rourke that the tower needed to be brought into compliance with the <br />original CUP or the original CUP would need to be amended to address the changes that were <br />made over the last 3 8 years. However, a CUP amendment request is made somewhat more <br />City of A�den Hills <br />City Council Meeting for Feb�uary 22, 2010 <br />C: IDocuments and SettingslUecky.brazyslLocal Settingsl Temporary Internet FileslOLKl SFI02-22-10 - Regular Meeting - Memo - Reiling Tower <br />CUP Amenc�.doc <br />Page 1 of 8 <br />