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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—January 25, 2010 10 <br /> 7.B. Clarification on the 2010 Pavement Management Program Action (continued) <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated she did not believe this would change it significantly but Staff would <br /> need to look at what impacts there would be on the south side of the road. - <br /> Couneilmember Grant stated that based on the amount of money the City receives for MSA <br /> funds, a quarter of a mile of road over thirty five years will provide the City with about $250,000. <br /> He asked the Council to consider this when making their decision about making Valentine <br /> Avenue 24-foot wide. At this time the City does not have approval from Mn/DOT about <br /> reassigning another road to replace Valentine Avenue. He also asked the Council to consider the <br /> possibility that once developed TCAAP may not have the necessary amount of roadways eligible <br /> to designate as MSA and the City would have to look at other roads outside of TCAAP to meet <br /> this new requirement. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated when the motion was made to have Valentine Avenue 24-foot wide it <br /> was understood that it would be removed from MSA. It was also understood that there would be <br /> alterative roads that the City could look at reassigning. If there is not an alternate road available <br /> then it would not be a wise move for the City to have Valentine Avenue 24-foot wide. The other <br /> primary reason in making this decision was the residents who had asked for this accommodation <br /> not only for the lower assessment but also for the impact a wider road would have on their <br /> neighborhood. <br /> Couneilmember Holmes asked if MSA funds expire and if these funds could be used for other <br /> projects within the City. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated that MSA funds do not expire and can be used for other projects in <br /> the City but in order to draw the full annual allotment of funds then the City needs to have 6.17 <br /> miles of MSA qualified streets designated. If Valentine Avenue is not reconstructed to the 26- <br /> foot width then it will no longer meet the requirements for State Aid and another road will need to <br /> be approved in order to make up the difference. <br /> Couneilmember Grant asked what the width of Oak Avenue is. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated City records indicate that it is 24-foot wide but this has not been <br /> verified in the field yet. <br /> Couneilmember Holden clarified that she would not support moving forward with design on <br /> both projects. It could be possible to move the road to the south a couple of feet in order to make <br /> the road 26-foot wide and still maintain the trees on the north side of the road. She stated that the <br /> Council should also discuss the addition of a stop sign along this road to help maintain a slower <br /> traffic speed. <br /> Mayor Harpstead asked if it was possible to have more than 6.17 miles assigned as MSA <br /> roadways or if the State required that a City have the exact amount of roadway designated as MSA <br /> in order to receive funding. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated she would need to research this and get back to the Council. <br />