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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—January 25, 2010 9 <br /> 7.B. Clarification on the 2010 Pavement Management Program Action (continued) <br /> Program, with a 24-foot street width for Valentine Avenue. This design does not meet Municipal <br /> State Aid (MSA) design requirements; therefore this project will not be eligible for MSA funds. - <br /> At the January 19 work session there was a question about final design for both a 24-foot and 26- <br /> foot design. Based on the direction of Council, Staff had proceeded with the 24-foot wide option <br /> and looking into reassigning another road to replace Valentine Avenue as a State Aid road. The <br /> City does have options to reassign the mileage from Valentine Avenue to other streets. Staff must <br /> provide a list of street segments, historical maintenance information and existing conditions to <br /> Mn/DOT State Aid for their review in order for them to confirm these street segments as potential <br /> MSA candidates. Staff is working on coordinating this with Mn/DOT. If the City would like <br /> final design completed for both 24-foot and 26-foot street widths along Valentine Avenue, this <br /> will result in additional design costs; the scope of the project included final design for one <br /> alternative only. WSB & Associates has provided a cost of $9,400 to complete an alternative <br /> design with a 26-foot street width. If any modifications are made to the street width, Staff is <br /> recommending the residents on Valentine Avenue be notified of these changes. Projects using <br /> State Aid funding must be submitted to State Aid for their review and the review turnaround <br /> typically ranges from two to four weeks but could take as long as six weeks. The 26-foot wide <br /> design is what would need to be reviewed by State Aid. If MSA funds are not used on this <br /> project, it is anticipated that the bidding schedule could be advanced to early March. <br /> Councilmember Holden noted for the record the Council received a petition from Valentine <br /> Crest Road against a major reconstruction and curb and gutter project on this road. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated he had requested this item be on the agenda because the Council <br /> may have inadvertently put the City into a position where they made a mistake based upon not <br /> having enough information about MSA. Staff had originally advocated a 26-foot wide road <br /> design to the Council. When the Council decided to go with a 24-foot road width they had asked <br /> about MSA and it was determined that the road would no longer qualify for MSA. What the <br /> Council did not know at that time were the details behind MSA, what other roads the City had that <br /> would qualify, and how much money the City would potentially loose. The Council had <br /> information that the residents wanted slower traffic. A narrower road would slow traffic <br /> somewhat but curbs would slow the traffic more. Another issue raised was the number of trees on <br /> the north side of Valentine Avenue that may need to be removed for a wider road. The Council <br /> needs to look into the MSA aspect deeper in order to determine that a narrower road is in fact the <br /> best for the City. Arden Hills needs 6.17 miles of roads designated as MSA in order to receive the <br /> full allotment of funds. Arden Hills is unique in that there are not many through streets that <br /> would qualify for MSA. He expressed concerns about making Valentine Avenue 24-foot wide <br /> and loosing MSA when the difference in making the road 26-foot wide is not that great, about <br /> $180 per unit on an $8,000 assessment. He also asked if the road could be moved over in order to <br /> save the trees on the north side of the road and make it 26-foot wide. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated Staff could look into this. The right-of-way along Valentine Avenue <br /> ranges from 66-70 feet and currently the street is centered on that right-of-way. <br /> Councilmember Grant asked if the road were moved two feet to the south if this would <br /> substantially change the cost structure. <br />