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�;.� EN HILLS <br />MEM�RANDUM <br />DATE: March 8, 2010 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members <br />Sue Iverson, Acting City Administrator <br />FROM: Kristine Giga, Civil Engineer <br />SUBJECT: Mn/DOT I-694 Project — Noise Advisory Committee <br />Background/Discussion <br />MnIDOT has identified an improvement proj ect for the interchange of Interstate 694, <br />Highway 10, Snelling Avenue and Hamline Avenue in Arden Hills. The proposed work <br />would rebuild the highways and seven bridges to improve safety and mobility. Two <br />bridges at Island Lake just west of Victoria Street are also proposed as a part of this <br />project. <br />Mn/DOT will be completing noise analysis in the proj ect corridor as part of the <br />environmental documentation needed for the project. In conjunction with the noise <br />analysis, Mn/DOT has offered to form a Noise Advisory Committee (NAC). The NAC <br />would consist of Mn/DOT staff, Mn/DOT's noise consultant, City Staff, a City <br />Councllmember, a representative from Bethel University and up to five (5) residents <br />within the proj ect area. NAC members review and comment on preliminary noise <br />modeling and noise mitigation analysis results. <br />The NAC provides two-way communication between the community and the proj ect <br />team regarding traffic noise during the design phase of the proj ect. The NAC will also <br />provide feedback to the City Council and communicate proj ect information to <br />neighborhood residents. <br />Three meetings are anticipated for this process. MnIDOT has contracted with a <br />consultant to complete the noise analysis, and anticipates the first meeting to be held the <br />week of March 22, 2010; this is two weeks later than originally anticipated. The second <br />meeting will be held about four (4) weeks after the first meeting (late April), and the third <br />meeting will be held two (2) weeks after the second meeting (mid May.) <br />City Council Meeting <br />\�1Vle�\ardenhills�PR&PW\Engineering\Council_Actions\2010\3-8-lOMemo MnDOT 694-51 NAC.doc <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />