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CUNING HANt <br />G R o u P <br />R+elated Experien�e CR Planning, Inc. and Cuningham Group <br />� � <br />���� ��' �'� . �� ��� �� � <br />Client Contact <br />John Wells, <br />Sustainable Develapment Director <br />Nf innesofia Dept. of Administration <br />658 Cedar Street <br />St. Paul, MN 55155 <br />651.297.2377 <br />john.wells@mnplan,sfiate, <br />Client Cantact <br />����+���n:�f <br />���� ��� ��� <br />�e��m��� �� <br />��:t� t�� �I�r-rt���� <br />�����r�� <br />Phillip Muessig <br />Sustainable Communities <br />Minnesota PCA <br />St. Paul, IVIN 55155-4100 <br />651.215.0204 <br />phi{ <br />Fram Policyta Reality: ilil�odel Ordinances <br />for Sustainable Development, <br />�ilinnesa#a Sta�e Planning Office <br />CR Planning, in partnership with Cuningham <br />Group, recently completed an update of <br />the State of Minnesota's model sustainable <br />devel opment ordin ances, titl ed .Fr�am <br />Polic�yl to R�ali�y�: 1llodel Ordinc�nces, fo� <br />Sustai�zable Development. C�R Plannin.g <br />p�-incipals completed the oi-i�inal docur��ent <br />for the Minnesota State Planning Uf.fice in <br />200a. Based upan the principles and goals <br />of the Minnesota Sustainable Development <br />l�niti ative, the ordinances were cr. eated for use <br />by local gover-nments interested in sustainable <br />development.; l�alanci��b papula.tion growth. <br />�ith economic development and resource <br />p�-otecti on. The ordinances inte�;rate the <br />fal�o�ving land use e�emen�s: <br />• an urban �r. owt:h boundary <br />� an agri cul tu�re an d protecti on. <br />zoning distr.ict <br />• a conservation subdivision zoning dis�rict <br />• _Purc� af. �Development Ri�hts (P-DR) <br />a�nd Transfer o-�' .Development R.ights <br />{TDR} ardinances <br />• an orderJy annexation agreement <br />� sample o�rdinances for downto«ns, villages <br />or ne�ighbo�rhoods development <br />�v�ithin the urbap �;rowth. �boundary <br />• an adequate publ i c facil iti es ordi nance <br />• a natural resource protection overlay district <br />The guidebook also lzas a public participatian <br />ordinance and othe�r non-land use model <br />ordinances, includin� an on-site wastewater <br />ordinallce, a stormwater control ordinance, <br />t� avel demand management o.rdinance, energy <br />efficiency and green building ardinances, and <br />ordinances suppol�tin.g sustainable economic <br />development and pollution prevention. <br />The 11�VV Version updates the existing <br />ordinances and expands on the range of <br />ordinances, including addressin; climate <br />change issues, Iocal food production, and <br />form-based codes. T��Jo communities have <br />agreed to use the model ordinances as the <br />base for their ordinance update process to test <br />the viabiliiy af the model language. <br />The draft updated Mode1 Ordinances are <br />available online at: <br />:���:1. �����:���� ���r� ����;���:��:� :�:��������:��� <br />