<br />G R (3 U P
<br />Firm information Cuningham Graup
<br />Andrew Dresdner
<br />Urban Designer
<br />Andrew Dresdner has more than 10 years of expel� ence ir� urban design a.nd urban
<br />planning in which he has worked extensively �rith both priva.te and public clients. Andrew
<br />is committed to creating mixed-use cammunities ���ith lasting value and enduring beauty.
<br />His facus has been ta use the design pracess in a. public forum to collabora�ively solve
<br />urban and neighborhood problems. Andrew is part�cula.rly sk�l�ed at manabing diverse
<br />viewpoints to create solutions t��at add value to bath public and priva.te inte�-ests.
<br />Pr-ior to j oining C;urnin�;ham (�-roup Andr-ew worked at �U1•ban Desi�n Associ ates as
<br />Studio -I3irector, respansible for design direction and financial perfor�nance of two urban
<br />design teams; of leadinb large, interdisciplinary teams and su�-consulta.nts through
<br />compl ex and hi�h-profil e urban design proj ects for both priva.te a,rzd public clients; a.nd
<br />for ma.intainin�; client re�ations throu�h delivery of qua.lity products.
<br />Select Project Experience
<br />Stou�;hton Road Cor�-idar P1dn, Mac�ison, Wisconsin.
<br />Zoning C.1z•dinance Retivr.ite, Madison., Wisconsin
<br />Cent�ral Avenue Small Area Plan and Guideline�, Minneapolis, _M:i�n:nesota
<br />Cedar Riverside Small. Area F'lan, Minneapolis, Minnesata
<br />R:iverdale TO.D Design Guidel.ines, Coon Rapids, ]V[innesota
<br />Uptown Sma11 A�rea .Pl an, Mi nneapol is, IVIi nnesota
<br />Chippewa Fal1s Riverfront _P1an, Chippewa Falls, W�iscons�in
<br /> Creek Maste.r. :Plan, :B�rooklyn Pa.rk, :Minnesota
<br />Sautheast Mi.nneapolis Industl� /�rada�l Veil M:�.ster P�lan,�rneapol�is, Minnesota
<br />Scottsdal.e Genter. far In:n.ovation and Technology Master Plan, Scottsdale, A_rizona*
<br />Askarban Master P1an, On�aha, Nebraska�
<br />New Colle�e Maste�, Ma1�ti nsvill.e, Vi rgi n ia*
<br />Midland, PA Master Plan, Midla�d, Pennsylvania�`
<br />East �al�rison Specific Plan, Monterey, California*
<br />West Don Lands Precinct P1an, Toranto, C.�Il��.110*
<br />Nashua :Downtown Master Plan, Nashua, New Hampshire�`
<br />Hampton Downtown Master P1an, Hampton, Virginia*
<br />Buck�roe Beach Neighborhood Masfier Plan, Hampton, Virginia*
<br />Blumeyer Hope VI Master Plan, St. Louis, Missauri*
<br />Fort Nor�folk Maste.r Plan, Norfolk, Vll �1111 a'�
<br />Stella Wright Hope VI Master Plan and Schematic Ai chitecture, Newark, New Jersey*
<br />�Project expe�ienc� tivhile at Urban .Desi�n �4ss�vciates p�ior� tv Cunin�ham G��oup
<br />Education
<br />Master of Architecture and Masters af Urban Planning, U111V��'S1� Of WISCOI151I1-Milwaukee
<br />Bachelor of Arts, Macalester College, Saint Paul, Minnesota
<br />Professianal Affiliations
<br />American Planning Association
<br />Cangress for Ne�� Urbanism
<br />