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CUNINGHAM <br />G R o u � <br />Firm tnformation Cuningham Group <br />Suzanne S. Rhees, AICP <br />Seniar Code Wrifier <br />Suzanne has aver 20 years �f expel-ience in camrnunity and neighborhaad planning and <br />zoning, with a pa1-ticular emphasis on innovative land use rebulations and code reform. <br />She helps communities visualize the "hidden design" ir� their cunent regulations, <br />and assists them in crafting orciinances tha.t wc�uld allo��v their most valued places to <br />be rebuilt. Suzanne has authored zaninb ordlnances, develapment codes and desi�;n. <br />guidel�nes for downtowns traditional neighborhoods, transit-oriented developments, <br />conser�Tatiol� desi�n subdiv�sions, a�ricultural presel•vation and neighbol-hood infill for a <br />va.riety of municipa.l, county and regional clients. <br />Suza.nne understands the need to build community ownership of al l her proj ects th_rough <br />public and stakeholder involvement, and is expe�-ienced with a r.anbe of participa.tion. <br />techniques, includin� design worl{shops, community prefe�-ence su�-veys, sma]1 �n-oup <br />processes and interacti�e open houses. <br />2 Merit Award, Minnesota Chapter, American <br />Planning Association, zoo� 5elect Project Experience <br />N[adison, Wisconsi.n: Zoning C�rd�inance Rew.rite <br />Sa.i�pt _Paul, Minnesota: Capital Ar.ea Zani_ng and Desi�;n Rules <br />CJreen Ba�, Wiscon.sin: Cam�rehens�ive .Plan and Zonin� �t•d�inance� <br /> City, Mi�nnesota: Zonin�; Ordinance .Rewr�te* <br />Traditional Neighborhood Zo .n. ing Distric�ts, Sain� Pau1, Minnesota* 1 <br />'VVa�hington County, Minnesota: apen Space Desi�;n Development CJr.dinance* <br />Rice County, Nlin:nesota: 2onin� O.rdinance Rewrite* <br />Linn Count�, Iawa: Unified Development Code* <br />Minnesota .Polluta�n Con�ral. Agency: 1VIode1 C�rdinances f'or. Sustainable Development* <br />La Crosse, Wisconsin: .Preservation :Plans and Design Guidelines, Down�awn and <br />Neighboi hood Hi storic Di stT-icts * <br />Calumbia Heights, Waconia and Wayzata, Minnesota: IJesign Guide�ines* <br />Cleveland, t"�hio: Transit-{J�riented Development Guidelines* <br />Po1k Count�, Iowa Com�prehensive Pl�.n* <br />Stearns County, Minnesota Colnp�rehernsive Plan�` <br />W111011a, Minnesota: Comprehensive, Downtovvn and RYve.rfront Plans* <br />1VMinnetonka, St. Ai�tb.ony and Brooklyn Center, Minnesota: Comp�rehensive Plans* <br />]Juluth, Minnesota, Parkway Corridar Management Plan * <br />Duluth, Minnesota, Comprellensive Plan (with CR Planning)'�Z <br />* Pr�oject experience ti�.��til'e izt URS privr iv Cz�nin�hrrm Gr�zcp <br />Education <br />Master af �egional Plann�ng, Universiiy of Penns�l.vania <br />BA, Southeast Asian St�udies, University of Califarnia, Berkley <br />Pro�essional �fifilrations <br />American Planning Association, N�W UTb�.I11SiI1 D1V1S1011 <br />Cangress for the Ne�u Urbanisln <br />Hametown Minnesota, Board MemUer <br />Preservation Alliance of Minnesota: Main St� eet Task Force <br />i Outstanding Project Award, lVl'innesota <br />Chaprer, American Planning Assoriation, <br />zoo� <br />