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Jame� Lel�nhoff, AICP <br />City �f Arc�en Hi��s <br />Ca�nty Road F and �,ex�n�ton Avenue <br />Decemher 7, 2009 <br />Page f� <br />� Installa�ion of a v�estbound protected Ieft-turn phase �nc� optirr�ized signal timin� w�li <br />improve westbound delays that currently exist to acceptabl� levels. However, the signa� <br />timing ��nprov�rnents do not address the existing safety and geo�etric issues. <br />• To �ddress the safet}� �ssues a reconf�guration of the exist�ng roadway with minor <br />geometric improvements is recommended. Current�y, �ounty Road F between Lexingtan <br />Avenue and C�atswar�h Street is a four-Iane undivided roadway. Appraximate�y 5,900 <br />ve�icles per day (vpd) travel along this section of roadway. The eurren� four-�ane sect�on <br />is nat needed and the traffic volume can be accornmodated by a two-lane seet�on. The <br />two-lane section �vould be consis�e�t with t�e other segments of Count� Road F wes� of <br />Lex�ngton Avenue and east of Cha�swor�h Street. By reducing the rQadway section, the <br />safety �ssues at th� Caunty Road F and Lexington A�enue int�rsecti�n can be �mpraved <br />by recan��uring the westbau�d approach �o incIude a left-turn, �hrough and patent�al�y a <br />right-turn lane. The westbound ri�ht-turn �ane is not absolute�y necessary ta achieve <br />sl�nificant improvement and rr�ay �n fact not be recommended due to the large apartment <br />eomplex in the northeast quadrant of this intersect�on. This reconfiguration vvould result <br />�n a single eastbound lane a�ong County Road F east of Lexingtor� Avenue. <br />� The eastbound approach ta th�s intersection is re�ommenc�ed to include an eastbo�xnd �eft- <br />t�rn, thraugh, and ri�ht-turn Iane. It should be noted that the eastbound right-turn lane is <br />recommended and necessary to accomrnodate the significant eastbound right-turn volume <br />durin� the p.m. peak hour. East�ound and westbounc� protected left-turn phasing is aiso <br />reeommend�d. With the recomrnended improvements, ali key intersect�ons are expec�ed <br />ta operate a� an acceptable overall LOS D or better during the a.m. a�d p.m. peak hours. <br />PROP�SED DEVELOPMEN�" <br />�'he proposed �4rden Village development rs located south of CR F between �-Ia�nline Avenue <br />�x�d �.exingtan Avenue. Althaugh there is a eommunications tower on site, the praject Iocation is <br />c�arr�nt�y vacant. T�e develapmen� will consist of a 55-u�it workforce apartmen� build�ng. <br />�'here �vill be a total of six one-bedroorr� units, 34 two-bedroorr� un�ts, and I S�hree-bedroom <br />�nits. � tata� of 110 parkin� stal�s wi�� be provided, h�I� af vvhlc� will be underg��ound. The s�te <br />access w�Il b� provided alor�g CR F, directly acrass frorn the extst�r�g Boston Scienti�c western <br />rrlost driveway. Figure 3 shows the p�-oposed site plan. <br />iRAFFIC FQRECASTS <br />The proposed deve�opment wil� be completed by summer 201 �. Therefore, traffic forecasts vvere <br />developed for ye�r 24� 2(one year after construetron}. Based on existin� area �rowth patterns <br />and h�stor�cai average daily traffic (ADT} voltzmes, an annua� growth rate of o�e percent was <br />applied ta the existing peak hour vo�umes to develop year 20I2 backg�-ound traffic forecasts. <br />�'rip ger�erat�on est�mates for the proposed Arden Village development were calculated using the <br />1�'E �'rip �enet�ation Handbook, 8tIT �'dition. Th�s infarmation was compared with typical trip <br />generatio� rates basec� on the proposed number of parkin� stalls ar�d was found to be consistent. <br />Therefore, Table 2 shows the expecteci peak hour and dail}� trip ger�eratian for the proposed <br />Arde� �illage development based on the IT'E t�ip g�neration handbook. <br />