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24. A traffic study to evaluate the proposed use was completed. The application is not <br />anticipated to create a negative impact on traffic in the area. <br />Conditional Use Permit Criteria Findings: <br />25. The proposed CUP amendment is not anticipated to negatively impact traffic or parking <br />conditions because it is an amendment to the legal description of the property only. <br />26. The proposed CUP amendment is not anticipated to negatively impacts Noise, glare, <br />odors, vibration, smoke, dust, air pollution, heat, liquid or solid waste, other nuisance <br />characteristics, drainage, and population density because it is an amendment to the legal <br />description of the property only. <br />27. While park dedication is applicable to the project as a whole, the proposed CUP <br />amendment itself does not require park dedication. <br />28. The proposed CUP amendment is in keeping with the orderly development of the <br />neighborhood and the City within the general purpose and intent of this ordinance and the <br />Comprehensive Development Plan for the City, as expressed in previous findings. <br />Recommendation <br />The Planning Commission reviewed Planning Case 09-021 and recommends (6-1) approval of <br />the Conditional Use Permit Amendment, Master and Final Planned Unit Development, <br />Preliminary and Final Plat, Rezoning, and Comprehensive Plan Amendment of the Arden <br />Village Redevelopment Proposal based on the findings of fact and the submitted plans as <br />amended by the following fifteen conditions: <br />1. The proj ect shall be completed in accordance with the submitted plans as amended by <br />the conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by <br />the City Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission and <br />City Council. <br />2. All City approvals for the project shall be contingent upon the Metropolitan Council's <br />approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. <br />3. A development agreement shall be prepared by the City Attorney and subject to City <br />Council approval. The applicant shall execute the Development Agreement on or <br />before March 22, 2010. <br />4. The applicant shall file the Final Plat with Ramsey County on or before March 8, <br />201 l, or, prior to the issuance of any building permits for the Arden Village Project, <br />whichever event occurs first. <br />5. The applicant shall obtain a building permit on or before May 31, 2011, or the <br />approval shall expire unless extended by the City Council prior to the approval's <br />expiration date. Extension requests must be submitted in writing to the City at least <br />45 days prior to the expiration date. <br />City of Arden Hills <br />City Council Meeting for March 8, 2010 <br />\Wletro-inet. us�rzrdenhills�Admin\Council�Agendas & Packet Information�2010�3-8-10 Regular�Packet Information\6A 03-08-10 - Regular <br />Meeting - Arden Village - Memo.doc page S of 10 <br />