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High Density Urethane (HDU) is a synthetic material that looks like wood with a grain texture but <br />tends to require less maintenance than wood. The existing park signs are made of wood. HDU is <br />waterproof and resists warping, splitting, and cracking. Lawrence Sign expressed concern about the <br />propensity of HDU to be easily dented by hail and chipping. Aluminum would have a smooth <br />finish, is longer lasting than wood, and is considered superior to other metal signs because it does <br />not rust. The HDU and aluminum signs have a similar life expectancy, though the appearance of <br />the HDU sign will show more wear over time. <br />The sign that would have been installed as part of the Arden Plaza redevelopment was going to have <br />a stone base with a textured, aluminum sign. The sign face would have been 14 feet long and close <br />to ten feet from the ground to the top of the arch. The final design is included in Attachment C. <br />Recommendation <br />All three vendors recommended the aluminum sign over the HDU for long-term quality and <br />maintenance. Staff recommends the aluminum sign from SignArt. It provides a larger sign surface <br />at close to the same cost as the other two proposals. The budget may allow for two signs to be <br />installed in the City. Staff is seeking input on the gateway sign locations (Attachment D). <br />Attachments <br />A. December 2008 Sign Design — Used by Lawrence Sign and Signs by Tomorrow <br />B. SignArt Design Proposal <br />C. Gateway Sign Design with Arden Plaza Partnership <br />D. Potential Gateway Sign Locations <br />City of Arden Hills <br />IlAhdocsllahlAHdatalPlanninglEconomic DevelopmentlGateway SignslMarch 2010 Quotes1031710 - EDCReport - Gateway signs.doc <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />