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partnership for the gateway sign installation at the corner of Lexington Avenue and County Road E. <br />In July 2009, the City approved the Arden Plaza redevelopment proposal. With that approval, the <br />Arden Plaza developers agreed to construct a base for the gateway sign and the City would provide <br />the sign face. This partnership allowed for a more substantial sign base and a larger sign face than <br />what had been discussed in December 2008. With the assistance of Derrek Hames, the EDC <br />selecied a design for the sign base and face (Attachment C) in June 2009. The estimated cost of the <br />sign face was approximately $10,400. The Arden Plaza property was going to pay for the sign base <br />and installation, which was estimated at an additional $13,650. <br />When the Arden Plaza redevelopment was approved in July 2009, the developers anticipated <br />starting construction that fall. The gateway sign base was going to be constructed as part of the <br />overall proj ect. However, the developer has not yet secured a contract with Walgreen's and the <br />construction timeline has been delayed. A new timeline is not yet available. Staff and the <br />developer discussed the idea of constructing the base before the development, but the developer <br />expressed concern about the proximity of the gateway sign to the construction area when the proj ect <br />does start and the possibility for damage. Additionally, the existing freestanding sign near the <br />intersection may interfere with the gateway sign. <br />With the undefined timeline for the proposed gateway sign at the Arden Plaza redevelopment, Chair <br />von Holtum, Mayor Harpstead, and James Lehnhoff inet on February 26 to discuss options for <br />installing a gateway sign separate from the Arden Plaza gateway sign proposal. One of the options <br />discussed at the meeting was to reintroduce the idea of a smaller, more affordable gateway sign <br />similar to what was discussed in December 2008. Staff contacted three vendors and requested <br />update quotes based on the design from December 2008. <br />Si�n Proposals <br />The below quotes include installation but do not include lighting. The design for Lawrence Sign <br />and Signs by Tomorrow is based on the December 2008 design and is included in Attachment A. <br />SignArt provided a more detailed drawing of their own and is included in Attachment B. <br />o Lawrence Sign: 3'x 7', aluminum option only, raised lettering <br />o December 2008 design: $5,695 <br />o Stock rectangular sign: $ 5,05 5(picture not available) <br />o Signs by Tomorrow: 3'x 7', raised lettering, 3" thick sign <br />o High Density Urethane (HDU) - $3,375 <br />o Aluminum — $5,060 <br />o Sign.Art: 4'x 8' sign, raised lettering, 3" thick sign <br />o High Density Urethane (HDU) - $2,800 <br />o Aluminum - $4,900 <br />City of Arden Hills <br />IlAhdocsllahlAHdatalPlanninglEconomic Developmentl Gateway SignslMarch 2010 Quotes1031710 - EDCReport - Gateway signs.doc <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />