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EDC Minutes <br />December 16, 2009 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />D. 2010 Goals/Projects <br />Community Development Director Lehnhoff reviewed the proj ected 2010 goals. <br />Council Liaison Holden suggested that the Commission focus on gateway signs as the Council <br />did allot $10,000 for this item. <br />Community Development Director Lehnhoff reviewed the gateway sign information to be <br />located on the Walgreens site. He noted the sign was estimated to be three feet high by seven <br />feet long for $10,000. Walgreens was to cover the installation expense but has not completed <br />their plans to date, which has delayed the gateway sign process. <br />Council Liaison Holden requested that the sign be put out for bid again as sign manufacturers <br />may come back with a lower price than last spring, which could bring a cost savings to the City. <br />Mr. Kunkel indicated he would speak with some of his vendors or contacts regarding the <br />gateway sign. <br />Council Liaison Holden questioned if the EDC should pursue a gateway sign at a second <br />location, on Snelling go forward, to avoid the situation with Walgreens. <br />Chair von Holtum agreed with this suggestion stating he would like to see the EDC complete the <br />task at hand after all of the planning completed this past spring. <br />Community Development Director Lehn.hoff suggested the sign be located on Snelling heading <br />north into Arden Hills from Roseville. <br />Mr. Kunkel stated he would speak with his contacts and report back to staff on this issue. <br />Council Liaison Holden suggested the Commission speak with a recruitment type company to <br />see what type of retail businesses could be recruited and supported by the community. The <br />Commission was in favor with this suggestion. <br />Discussion ensued regarding big box developments and the type of development needed in the <br />city. <br />Council Liaison Holden expressed concern about the number of parking lots within the City. <br />Community Development Director Lehnhoff stated this issue was going to be addressed by the <br />Planning Commission in 2010. <br />Council Liaison Holden suggested that a yearly mailing be proposed to the businesses within the <br />City, once all of the business meetings were completed. The Commission was in favor of this <br />suggestion. Community Development Director Lehnhoff stated this could be a budget concern. <br />