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Ordi�ance 201a�008 <br />Subd. 33 Clear-eutting. Tl�e cornplete remova� of trees or shrubs i� a cor��igu�us patch, <br />strip, row, or block. (Revise� (�2/2�/.�0) <br />�ubd. 34 C�inic_ A bu�lding for out-patlent n�edica� �reatmer�t o� h�mans or sr�al� <br />animal�. <br />Subd.35 Ciub� and �od�es. B��ldings and facilities owned an� o�erated by a <br />corporation or association of persons for social, recreational, chari�abl�, �duca�i�nal or <br />cult�ra� purposes, but no� operated �rimarily for prof t or for purposes whi�h are <br />custo�ariiy associatecl �vi�h a �usir�ess. <br />Subd. 3b C��bs, spor#s and i tness_ A place of assembl}� where membership rnay be <br />required and is �irected to�vard �he general public with the com�ercia� promotio� of <br />s�orts and physica� ��ness. <br />Su�d. 37 Conlmiss�on. The Plannir�g Commission, as establis��d by the Cad� of <br />�rdinances, Cit� of Arder� Hills, Chap�er 2. <br />Subd. 38 Camprehens�ve pl�n. A co�npilation of policy stat�men�s, goa�s, standard and <br />ma�s for guiding the physical, soc�al and economic developme�t, bot� pr�vate and <br />pub�ic, of �he city and its environs and may ir�clude, but is not �imi�ed to, th� following <br />iterr�s: Statemer�ts of polic�es, goals, standards, a Iand u�e pla�, a comm�nity facili�ies <br />plan, a transportat�o� plan and recon�mendations for plan execu�ion. <br />�ubd. 34 Cor�ditional tlse_ A use wh�ch, because of unique characteristics, Eannot be <br />class�f ed as a permitte€� use in a district, and whic�i, after due consideration by the <br />Planning Comm�ssio� a�d Council, pursuant �o the app��cable proced�res can�a�ned in <br />thi� Code and t�e Arden Hills �i�y Code o� 4rdinanees, may nevert�e�ess be perr�itted <br />w�t� restrictions on a site by co�dltiana� use permit granted by �he Counci�. <br />S�bd. 4f1 Condit�o�a� ilse �err��� �C.�1.P.}. .� permit requ�red for certain land �se� <br />clas��f ed as Conditi��a� Aecessory t�ses or C�nd��ional P�incipal t�ses. <br />