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O�'dinance 2010-0�8 <br />Su�d. 27 �ul�. The term used tt� inc�icate the size a�d setback� of build�ngs or <br />�tructures and loca�io� of sa�ne wi�h respect to one ar�other and includes t�e fo�Iowing <br />Iterr�s: <br />Size and height of buildings o�- structures. <br />A. Location of exterior walls at aIl leve�s in relation t� lot l�nes, street or to <br />ot�er buildings or structures. <br />B. Gross #�oor area of buildings or structures in relation to lot Ii�es, street or <br />to other buildings or structures. <br />C. All open s�aces allocated to �u�ldir�gs or structures. <br />D. Amour�t of lo� area }��r dwelling unit. <br />Subd. 28 Bulk r�ater�als. Unco�tained� solid matter such as povvder, grain, stone, sand, <br />sulfur, etc., that has a tendency to b�come aizborne. <br />�ubd. 29 Business. Ar�y oc�upation, empla�rnent or enterprise v�herein merchandise i� <br />ex�ibited and sold, or which occupies ti�ne, attention, labor and materials, or whereb� <br />services a�-e offered for compensation� <br />Subd.30 B�siness services. Ser�ices performed primarily �or ather businesses, <br />ir�cluding such services as secretarial, c�erica�, enl�loyment agencies, �us�ness r�achine <br />service, printing, etc. <br />Subd. 31 Ca1��er Inches. Th� diamete�- of a tree measured at 4.5 feet above �he ground. <br />tA dded 4/28/08) <br />Subd. 32 Clear �ision Area. The clear vision area shall �e an area �vithin a triangle that <br />is measured along t�e edge of t�e drivir�g surface of �he r�ad at the intersection of two <br />roads (pub�ic or priva�e} and ex�ending thirty {3�) feet in each dlrection fror� the <br />intersection vvith a li�ne connecting the two en� �oints. {I�evisec� 3/18/09) <br />