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()rdinance ZO10-408 <br />S�'AT� Q� N�INN�S�TA <br />C0��1�'Y 4� RAMSEY <br />CITY �F ARDEI�i HILLS <br />ORDI1vANCE 241�-008 <br />�N ()RDI�ANCE AN�ENDII�IG T�IE CIrI'Y'S FL�UD P�AIN �ZEGI�LA�'IONS <br />�e Arden Hil�s City C'ouncil hereby ordains tha� Chapter � 3, Se�t�ons � 305 Subd 4 and Seetion <br />� 335 are he�eby amended in the Arden Hi��s City Code to read as follows: <br />Definitions. <br />Subd. 1 Acre. A quantity of land con�aining forty-three �housa�d, five hundre� and <br />sixty {43,Sb0} squar� feet or �ne hundred s�xt}� { 1(Q} square rods in whatever �hape and <br />pa�tern {e_g. cireular, square, triar�gular, �rregular, broad or narrow}_ <br />Subd. 2 Acre, net (as ap��ied to �UD density calcuiations)_ One (1) acre of land, <br />r�inus the tvvo-tl�irds {2/3} ofthat portion o�the acre enco�npassed by wetlands, one-�a�f <br />�� 1�2j of �hat po��on of the acre encornpassing wholly or partialiy �ills, mounds, or slopes <br />that dro� at a rat� of twelve percent {� 2°/aj o�- more per every �ifteen (15) feet or more of <br />distar�ce; and the ent�re area of public streets. <br />Subd. 3 Ad�ninistrati�e Off cer. �he zoning administrator, building inspector, their <br />deputies or assistants, and any otl�er officials of the city charg�d w�th or en a ed in the <br />g� <br />administrat�on of this Code or any portion thereof. �� <br />Subd. 4 Adrr�inis��-ator. The zoning adr�inistra�or. <br />Subd. 5 Agricultu�a� uses. LJses customarily associated with ��e growing of farm <br />produce and the raising of farm animais for ger�era� use; but not inc�uding raisin and <br />g <br />feeding ��eed lots) af Iivestoc�, fur fa�ns a�d kennels. <br />�ubd. 6 Alteration. As app�ied �o a building or struct�re, a change o�- rea�-�-angemer�t �n <br />the s�ructural parts or ir� the exis�ing facilities, or an enlarge�nent, wl�ether b�xtendir� <br />� g <br />on a side or b� increasing in height, or by moving from one Iocatia� ta anather. <br />Subd. 7 A��ey. A m�nor public or pr��a�e way which is used primar�Iy fo� vehicuiar <br />service access to the back or side of a Iot abutting on a street. <br />Subd. 8 Animals, d�mestic. Cornn�on household pets, such as dogs and �ats, other <br />anima�s kept for arnuse�nent, companior�ship, decoration, or in�eres�. <br />