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Qrdinance 20�0-OOS <br />Subd. 9 Anima�s, farnn. Anirr�als �raditi�nal�� kept or raisec� ar� a�arm for the purpose <br />of providi�g food or �roducts for sale o� use, such as cattle, hor�es, goats, sh�ep, swine, <br />fowl, �ees, and a��mals raised for <br />�ubd. 10 Anir�a�s, wild. Anima�s such as wo�ves, tigers and poisonous snal�es that are <br />not no�-mal�� a domes�ic animal or farm animal and �vauld ordinarily be confined in a zoo <br />or four�d in ��e wild. <br />Subd. 1� Anter�na. Equipment, used for transmitting and/or receiv�r�g <br />telecom�nunicatio��, television or radio sig�als, w�ich is loca�ed on the exterior, or <br />ou�side, of any bui�ding or struc�ure. <br />�. Dish Antenna� A parabolic-shaped antenna �including al� supporting <br />ap�ara�us} whic� is used �or transmitt�ng or rece�v�ng telecomm�nication, <br />�elevision or radio signals, whic� is Iocated on the exterior, or outside, ofany <br />�uildir�g or srructure. <br />I. Class I: Dis� Anter�na under thirt}� (3�) inches or more in diameter; <br />six (6) feet in surface area; or s�x �f�j feet in height. <br />2. Class I�: Di�h Antenna #��rty (3fl} inches or rr�ore in diamet��-; six {b) <br />square fee� or more in surface area; or six {6} �eet or more i� height. <br />B. Tower: Any po�e, spire or structure, or any combina�ion t�ereof, to which <br />an antenna is at�aehed, or wh�ch is designed for an antenna to be at�ached, <br />and al� supporting �ines, �ab�es, wires and braces; including but not �imited �o <br />a free-standing radio {inc}�ding ham radio and pr�vate radio transmi�tir�g) or <br />t�lev�si�n receiving antenna, a tivind�ill, and a uTi��-powere�d generator. <br />Subd. 12 Apartment. A room or suite of rooms located in a one- or two-farnil}�building <br />ar rnu�tiple dwel��ng, which �hal� include a bath and �itc�en aceommodation, intended or <br />de�igned for use as an inc�e�endent residence by a single household. <br />Subd. 13 �ppeal. An ap�licatio� for the review of ar� order, req�irement, �Iecision, <br />detern�ination or �nterpre�atron o� �his Code �nad� by an admin�strative offcer �n the <br />application and/or enfarcement of this Code. <br />Subd. 14 Base��ent. Any area of a structure, including craw� spaces, having its flflor or base <br />subgrad� (below graund level} an al� four sides, regardiess of the depth of excava��on belovv <br />�-ound �evel. (Revised �S/(�S/10) <br />Subd. �5 �luff_ A topogra�h�c feature such as a hili, ciiff, or embankment having the <br />follovving �haracte�istics (an area with an average slope of less than 1$ percent o�er a <br />distance for 50 fee� o�- more shall not be considered pa�-t of t�e bluf#�: {Added 02/22/10) <br />{�} I'art or a�l of �he feature �s Iocated in a shore�and area; <br />