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pos�tion or a pa� time posit�on dedicated to Arder� Hills. The time�i�es for these aptions <br />vary. <br />• Shared fu��-time employee (FT�): A shared FTE would nat possible until 2411. <br />This is the resul� of the City's budgeting cycle. Raseville does not have the �unds <br />avallable to pay for a half FTE in the 2010 budget. We would need ta work with <br />Arden H�lls to determine a set number of adc�itior�al hours based on what your <br />long term engineering needs are, and then �ustify the rema�ning hours a� a pa�t of <br />Rosev�l�e's 2011 budget process. If this is acceptable ta both the Arden H�lls and <br />Roseville �ity Counci�s, it wou�d ae�dress the lang term need, but wo�ld nat <br />address our abil�ty to del�ver the 2010 Wark Plan. <br />• Part-time em��oyee (P�'E): if a PTE vvas hired t�at w�s not a sh�red employee, <br />the timel�ne could be shorter. It vc�ould require tlze amendment of the JPA to <br />expand the m�n�rnu�n hours to cover a set nu�nber of hours based on what your <br />long tern� engineering needs are and the approval of the amended 3PA by �oth <br />C�ties. Once that is eomplete? it would take around three �nonths ta advertise and <br />hire � new ernplayee. Th�s sti11 would nat address our ability to del��er the 2010 <br />Work Pla�. <br />�oth of these seenar�os would requ�re that some of the tasks in the 2010 Work P1an be <br />moved to 2 Q 11. <br />As a part of the February discuss�o� regarding additiona� Roseville JPA hours, tl�e <br />Council Was prov�dec� financla� spreadsheets shawing the 20Q9 engineering expenditures. <br />This information showed ail rnonies paid out to Rasevi��e and Consu�ting co�np�nies to <br />complete the 2Q09 Work Plan. Attached is a tabl� summarizing the work that could have <br />been completed with Roseville engineering staff if there �vas available capac�ty. <br />3. Can soYne of the 2010 Worl� Plan items be pushed to the end of the yea�/ 201� ? <br />We have high��ghted six tasks on the v�ork p�a� that we recor��mend be shifted to ZQI 1. <br />This wou�d reduce the 20� 0 work plan to 1,621.25 Engineering Hours and 982.75 <br />Technician Hours. This sti1� would not address our abi�ity to deiiver the 20� 0 Work Plan. <br />Recommended Optian: <br />1-�t �his time Staff �s recommending t�at both optiQn l and 3 be im�lemented. T�lIS WOtIIC� <br />rec�uce the 2010 work plan to 1,425.25 Englneering �ours and 950.75 Tech�ieian Hours. <br />While this is still 706 over the 1670 hours cammitted to in the JPA, we have determined <br />that Ro�eville has adequa�e engineer and technician tirne tQ deliver th�s revised work <br />p1an. If Raseville has the capacity a� the end of the year, it may be pos�ible ta start <br />working on the �ter�s on �I�e 2010 Work P�an that ar� proposed ta be shifted to 2011. <br />These warking hours are estimates; some Qf the projects rnay take more hours, wh�Ie <br />others may take �ess. T�ere wi�l a�so be additional tasks that vvili come up over the <br />course of the year that �ill affect this work plan. <br />City Council �Vorksession <br />\�\ardenhills�PR&PW\En�ineering\Council_Actions\2010\Warksessions\3- I 5-1 OMemo_20 � OWorkplan.doc <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />