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4G, 2010 Engineering Work Plan
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4G, 2010 Engineering Work Plan
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Last modified
10/24/2024 10:01:57 AM
Creation date
4/26/2010 3:22:40 PM
2010 Engineering Work Plan
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2010 Engineering Work Plan
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staff return to the March �Var� Sess�on wi�h additional infarmation regarding ��ee <br />op��ons to address this issue. <br />1 o Can a consultc�nt be hirec� �o camplete the wo�1� included on the 2010 WoYk P�an? <br />2. Can the Rosevi�le Joint Powe�s 14g�eement be expanded to inelude additional <br />houj�s to enable Roseville to hi�e a staff pe�san to complete the wo�� on the 2010 <br />�Voj-k �'lan ? <br />3. Ca�r some of the 201 ��o�k Plan iterns be pushed to the end of the ye�Y� 20I1 ? <br />Over tl�e course of the las� m.onth, we have worked on how each of these three aptions <br />cou�d alleviate the estimated Roseville eng�neering hours for the 2014 Work P1an. <br />1 e C'an a consultant be hired to complete the work included on t�ie 201 Q Wo�k Plan? <br />When �Zoseville starts work on a project for Arden �ills, we ask, is this a project that we <br />can complete in ho�se, or should we hire a eonsultant? To make th�s recommendat�on, <br />we look at the scope of the pra�ect, economies of scale, required teehn�ca� expert�se, <br />poten�ial cost, and avai�a�le hours. FQr the most par�, every project on the work plan that <br />Roseville feels can be eompleted by co�sultants �s being comple�ed by eonsultants. <br />Arden Hills' experience is t�at in-hause oversigh� is criticai to the success of cansuitant <br />led prajects. As a result, even when a consultant is hired, it does not eliminate the need <br />fo� englneering invol�ement. Roseville provides oversight ta ensure that the project is <br />being co�npleted on tl�ne, on budget, and meets the expectations af the City Counc�l. <br />A few ex�sting consu�tant projects �ave �een identified an the �vark plan where more <br />responsibility could be t�ansferred to the eansultants that are assigned to them. This <br />would be accomplished throug� the elimination of a Rosev�l�e staff pres�nce at meetings, <br />and having the consul�ant write eounc�l actions, correspondence, and admin updates. <br />Th�s would reduce our time to a one hour a week check in to ensure that the work is <br />being completed as expectec�. <br />On �he a�tached table, we have also identified some projects that are pending and need to <br />b� addr�ssed t�is year that cou�d be eompleted hy a eonsultant. We wou�d reeommend <br />that these move �orwarc� v�it� consultant ass�s�ance. <br />This would reduce the 2010 Wark Pla� haurs to �,653.25 Engineering I-�ours and <br />1,Q01.75 Tec�nician Hours. Hawever, this reduction is not enoug� for Roseville to be <br />able to de�iver the 2010 Work Plan. <br />It rr�a� a�so be possib�e ta transfer some consultant and task oversig�t to Arden Hil�s sta�f <br />if the}� had availab�e eapacity. �his will be evaluated as the yea� progresses. <br />2e Can the Roseville Joint Powe�s �1g�eeynent be expanc�ed to include add�tiona� hou�s <br />to enable l�oseville to hiYe a stczff pe�son ta complete the wo�k on the 2010 Wo�k <br />Plan ? <br />As indicated above, the 2010 wor� plan, �f unmadifed, would need an additiona� 1,397 <br />hours o�Roseville staff time. These hours could be provided by a shared full-time <br />City Council Worksession <br />\\\ardenhills�PR&PW\Engineering\Council_A�tions\20 I 0\V�orksessions\3-15-10Memo_2d 1 OWorkplan.doc <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />
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