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�'t.� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />4o Coordinates constr�ction projects v�i�h other government uni�s or businesses in which the <br />partner City has an interes� n�a�ntains a cooperative work relationship a� all �irr�es. <br />5. �ommun�cates vvitl� residents and property owners regarding praposed proj ects and <br />eng��eering-reiated issues. <br />6o Warks cooperative�y with developers to achieve high quality development in conformance <br />with City ordinance requirements and sound engineering principles. Reviews public <br />infrastructure plan�ing and design for private develapment projects. <br />7. Ar�alyzes existing procedures and programs to recomrr�e�€� improvements to these s�stems. <br />8. Asststs in providing supportive �echnical informa#it�� to t�ie �ouncil, related boards, and <br />other departments an prob�er�s under considera�ion so the sa�ution wil� bes� �neet the needs <br />of the cammun�ty. <br />90 Keeps supervisor andf or designee of partnership cities informed of i�por�ant developments <br />in area of ac�aunt�b��ity to insure prompt resolutlon of prablems and steady progression on <br />assigned duties. Warks with su�ervisor, and/or �esig��e of partnership czties to plan, d�rect� <br />and coordinate a comprehensive er�g�neering progra�n for replacement and main�enance of <br />City infrastructure. <br />1 Q. Directs the acquisit�on: �� easements and rights-of-�ay to a��ure equitable treatment of all <br />par�ies �nvolved. _ <br />11 o Respor�sible �or �,��ntair��ng appropriate r�cords of all engineering work perfor�ned so that it <br />wi11 be available fo� �re�erence �v�en needed. <br />__ __ _ <br />_ <br />__ <br />12o Ac�s as projec� ma�a.ger ��� engineer can�racts �ith pr�vate consultants. <br />13 e Ma� supervise othe�-s i� �he per�a�nanee of eng�neering-related duties. <br />14. Assists �n develop►men� o� �ngineering/Public Works budge�s, capital improvements <br />program, and �onitors ar�ual budget expenditures. <br />15 e Directs traffic eoun�s as r�qu�red. <br />1�. Per�orms other duties and assumes ot�er respansib�lit�es as apparent or ass�gned. <br />Minimum �ualifications: <br />Minimum jab requirements are a Bachelor's Degree �� �ivil Engineering and 3— 5 years of re�ated <br />experience, or equivalent. Workir�g knowledge of computer systems ine�uding GIS anc� CAD <br />software applications. Experience in municipal engineering is desirable. Valid Minnesota dr�ver's <br />1lcense. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />