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i'"�- <br />�� ������ <br />, <br />MEM�RAND�JM <br />DATE: April 15, 2410 <br />PTOo Honorable Ma�or and �ity Council Members <br />Sue �verson, Act�ng City Adm�nistrator <br />FR4M: �ristine Giga, Civil Engineer <br />SUBJE�T: 1Vlunicipal State Aid (�VISA) �7pdate <br />Deb B1oo�n and K�is Giga met with Sta�e Aid staff on Thursday, April 8, 2010, to discuss <br />the City of Al�de� H�IIs? options with its IVISA street designations. This rr�eeting was in <br />response to the Ietter sent by staff on March 3, 2010, wh�ch has been attached for your <br />reference. <br />Non-existin� routes <br />In 20Q9, St�te Aid staff asked alI municipal�ties to re�iew designated non-existent routes, <br />and deterrnine t�e buiIda�ility of these routes. If eonstruct�on of the road is not feasible <br />or I�kelyo State A�d has requested these seg�nents be removed from the system. <br />C�ty staff� reviewed the nan-existent segment that ru�s a�ong the south side of Round <br />Lake. The current aTignment runs along 13�� Street Northeast, which was vacated as a <br />part of the Traverse Business Center Planned Unit Development, and north of Parkshore <br />Drive. through the townhome development. �taff feels tha� the �on-existent road w�il be <br />needed once T�averse Business Center is fully built, and has proposed a realigned rou�e <br />that follows Gateway Boulevard and Parkshore D�ive. <br />1VIn/DOT State Aid staff reviewed the proposed change to the alignrnent of the non- <br />�xistent segment south af Round Lake and has app�oved the rev�sion. <br />Staff also reviewed the non-existent se�ment from Old Hig�way 10 extending east to <br />North Snell�ng Avenue. Based on discussions vvith t�e C�ty �ouncil, construction of this <br />se�ment may not be feasible based on existing grades, utilities, and cost. Staff proposes <br />to remove this se�ment from the systern from Old Highway 10 to Briarknol� Dr�ve, and a <br />short se�ment of Nort� Snelling Avenue up to 1VIcCIung Drive. <br />S_ystem Revisions <br />If Valen�ine Avenue is not constructed to State Aid standards, it is expected by State Aid <br />that the segment be rerrioved from the sys�em. With the revocatian of Valentine Avenue, <br />City �ounei� Mee�ing <br />\�\ardenhii�s\PR&PWlEngineering\StateAid\ZQl 0\4- I 5-I OMemo_MSA.doc <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />