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8820.Q700 SELECTIDN CRI�'ERIA. <br />Su�p. 3. Municipal state-aid street. A municipa� state-a�d street rr�ay be selected <br />if �t: <br />A. is projected to earry a relat�vely he�vier traffic voiume or is funetionally <br />classified as co�lector or arter�al as �denti�ed on the urban municipal�ty's <br />functional classificat�on plan; <br />B. connects the po�nts of major traffic interest, parks, parkways, or recreational <br />areas within an urban municipality; and <br />C. provides an integrated s�reet system affording, within practical lirnits, a <br />state-a�d street network eonsistent wi�h projected �raf�c demands. <br />Mn�DOT staff also stated that County Roads nat on �he County State Aic� Syster� may �e <br />des�gnated using mun�cipa� mileage. There is one ellgible county road that meets this <br />requirement; County Road E from New Brighton Road ta Lake Johanna Bouievard <br />(approximately 0.29 miles �n length.} To accomplish this� the County wou�d need to <br />support this designation, and the City would need to take over the main�er�ance of the <br />roadway. Th�s could be accomplished through an agreement with Ramsey Caunty. <br />l�ex� steps <br />Staff has identif�ed several options to proceed. <br />Option 1- �nake system revisions this year to revoke Valentine Avenue, realign �he non- <br />existent route and designate McClung and Colleen Avenue. The payback to State Aid <br />�vouid be $10,545.56. <br />Option 2- make system revisions in a future year �a revoke Va�entine Avenue, reaiign the <br />non-ex�stent route and desl�nate McClung and Colleen Avenue. Depend�ng an the year <br />the revisions are made, the paybaek to State Aic� would be as listed ir� the tab�e above. <br />State Aid staff �as indicated that this would be an acceptable opt�on. <br />Option 3- re-evaluate the designations and revise the system eno�gh to be ab�e to <br />des�gnate the Briarknoll-Norma-Royal-�oral segment. <br />Staff recommendation <br />Staff reeomrnends proceeding w�th Option 2. �'his option would requi�e no C�ty Council <br />action at this time. I� the City Cour�c�i has any guestions o�- would �ike to discuss this <br />further, please Iet st�ff know. <br />City Council Meeting <br />\�\ardenhills�PR&PW`Engineering�StateAid�2010\4- l 5- l OMemo_MSA.doc <br />Pa�e 3 of 3 <br />