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Apri17, 2010, Draft Planning Commission Minutes <br />Planning Case 09-019; Conditional Use Permit Amendment; 1296 County Road F; <br />Clearwire Wireless LLC — Public Hea�ing <br />City Planner Beekman reported the applicant has requested a Conditional Use Permit <br />(CUP) Amendment to allow Clearwire Wireless to install six antennas on the existing <br />tower located at 1296 County Road F. The antennas would be at a height of 175 feet. <br />She then provided background information. The Planning Commission must make a <br />finding as to whether or not the proposed antennas meet the requirements of the Zoning <br />Code and if they would adversely affect the surrounding neighborhood or the community <br />as a whole. Staff offers the following thirteen finding for consideration: <br />Gene�al Findings: <br />l. The applicant has submitted documentation that addressed the use of the <br />City's water tower sites. This documentation indicated that the water <br />tower sites would not meet the location needs to provide coverage in this <br />area of the City. <br />2. The proposed antennas would be located on an existing structure. <br />3. The proposed antennas would be located within the I-1 Limited Industrial <br />District. <br />4. The proposed antennas would be at a height of 175-feet. <br />5. The antennas would be painted to match the color of the structure to which <br />they are attached. <br />6. Towers and antennas are conditionally accessory use in the I-1 Zoning <br />District; however, with approval of Planning Case 09-023, existing <br />communications towers would become a conditional use on the property, <br />constrained only by the CUP under which the tower operates. <br />On the Conditional Use Pe�mit Evaluation C�ite�ia: <br />7. The addition of six antennas on the tower would not have any impact on <br />traffic or parking conditions. <br />8. The addition of six antennas on the tower will not produce any permanent <br />noise, glare, odors, vibration, smoke, dust, air pollution, heat, liquid or <br />solid waste, and other nuisance characteristics. <br />9. The addition of six antennas on the tower will not impact drainage. <br />10. The addition of six antennas on the tower will not impact population <br />. <br />enslty. <br />11. The addition of six antennas on the tower will likely be visible from some <br />locations both on and off the property; however, they are not anticipated to <br />have an impact on land use compatibility with uses and structures on <br />surrounding land or adj oining land values, because the tower and antennas <br />have been in existence for several decades on the property with no clear <br />negative impact. Additionally, Clearwire Wireless will be removing <br />unused equipment and antennas from the tower as part of this proj ect, <br />resulting in a net reduction in the number of antennas on the tower. <br />12. Park dedications are not applicable. <br />