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13. The addition of six antennas on the tower does not conflict with the <br />general purpose and intent of the Zoning Code or the Comprehensive <br />Development Plan for the City. <br />City Planner Beekman stated based on the findings, Staff recommends approval of <br />Planning Case 09-019 for a Conditional Use Permit amendment at 1296 County Road F <br />subject to the following four conditions: <br />1. The proj ect shall be completed in accordance with the plans submitted as <br />amended by the conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these <br />plans, as determined by the City Planner, shall require review and <br />approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. <br />2. A Conditional Use Permit amendment, drafted by the City Attorney, shall <br />be signed by the applicant, prior to the issuance of any building permits. <br />3. A building permit shall be obtained for all proposed antennas prior to <br />installation. <br />4. Antennas shall be painted to match the color of the tower to which they <br />are attached. <br />Chair Larson opened the floor to Commission questions. <br />Chair Larson asked for clarification on the coverage that would be gained by adding the <br />antennas to the Reiling Tower versus the City's water towers. <br />Mr. Trueman clarified in order for Clearwire to provide the type of coverage they would <br />like is to have their antennas located within a half mile of each other. The City's water <br />towers were not within this range when looked at in relation to other towers already in the <br />area. <br />Commissioner Scott asked if there was a method for managing the antennas located on <br />this tower and who would be responsible for this. <br />Mr. Trueman stated the only way for antennas to be added or relocated on the tower was <br />to contact the City and obtain a building permit. At this time the Reiling Estate is in <br />control of the tower and the responsible party for the tower itself but everyone is <br />responsible for their own equipment and antennas. <br />Commissioner Zimmerman asked if the towers located in Shoreview had been <br />considered. <br />Mro Trueman stated he was not sure at this time because his responsibilities were not for <br />that particular area. <br />Chair Larson opened the public hearing at 7:17 p.m. <br />Chair Larson invited anyone for or against the application to come forward and make <br />comment. <br />