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�;.� EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: April 26, 2010 <br />T4: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members <br />FROM: Personnel Committee <br />Sue Iverson, Acting City Administrator <br />Finance Director/Treasurer <br />SUBJECT: Public Works Staffing <br />Back�round <br />At the March 15, 2010, worksession, Council discussed the Public Works maintenance <br />staf�ng and workload. Part of that discussion focused on the Superintendent position <br />versus a Working Foreman and the eighth maintenance position. As a result of that <br />discussion, there was a consensus of the Council that the City should proceed with a <br />Superintendent position. However, the Council referred the matter to the Personnel <br />Committee for further review and requested that a recommendation be brought to the full <br />Council at the April worksession for a final discussion and then the April 26 Council <br />meeting for approval. <br />Discussion <br />The Personnel Committee met on March 31 and April 1 to discuss Public Works staffing. <br />The Personnel Committee looked at various job descriptions from Roseville and other <br />communities to determine the needs for Arden Hills. The maj or factors the committee <br />used to evaluate the needs and structure were: <br />1. Cost; <br />2. Representation of the City on proj ects including overseeing Engineering proj ects <br />as assigned; <br />3. Administrative coordination of the City records and day-to-day supervision of the <br />public works maintenance crew; and, <br />4. Management of the annual workload cycle of Public Works. <br />The committee reviewed job descriptions for the following positions: Public Works <br />Directors, City Engineers, Engineering Technicians, Public Works Supervisors, Public <br />Works Foremen, Public Works Superintendents, and Proj ect Managers. The committee <br />determined that the best structure for Arden Hills would be a Superintendent and an <br />City Council Meeting <br />\�\ardenhills�.Admin\Council�Agendas & Packet Information\2010\4-26-10 Regular�Packet <br />Information�Public_Works_Superintendent PC_Recommendation.doc <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />