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Reasons for Waiver Request <br />The benefits of perrnittin� Land O' Lakes to perforr� a r�ajority of the construction during the <br />evening hours are as foliows: <br />• No on-streei parking is proposed with this construction. The selected coniractor will be <br />direc�ed to phase the project so that �he disturbed parking area and/or drive isle can be <br />restored to grave� base at the co�n�letion of the evening Work. This will allow the Land <br />t)'Lakes staff to utilize the parking lot and drive isles during dayiime working hours. <br />� No need for a remote parking location ar�d sh�ttle service. As mentianed above, by� phasing <br />the project and bringir�g all disturbed areas up to gravel, aln�ost the entire area will be able to <br />�e used for parking a�d drive �anes. <br />�t should be r�oted that should the parking lot rehabilitation pro�ect be lin�ited to daytime <br />hours and weekends, the phasing would resu�t in approxim.ately 20� vehicles being �elocated <br />to a�emote �ocations and the employees shuttled in from the remote location. Shuttling <br />employees fro� �. remote location is very expense and will increase t�e �raffic flow on the <br />. <br />surroun �ng streets. <br />•�'hasir�g the co�struct�on activity will reduce the amount of exposed soils. BKBM has <br />reviewed �he scope of work witl� a c�uple of coniractors. The contractors and BKBM <br />anticipate constructing the project ir� phases and placing the fir�t lift o�bitumint�us prlor to <br />start of the next phase. This procedure �vil� reduce the amount of exposed soils and gravei <br />base, therefore reducir�g the impacts of erosion and construction delay due to rainfall. <br />� Public safety will be greatly increased by performing the construction activity during the <br />e�ening l�ours. BKBM esiimates a combined total of approxima�ely 14,000 cubic y�ards of <br />material will need io be exported and imported for� �his project. This f gures to be <br />appr�ximately 1,500 10-cubic yard durnp trucks turning onto �o�nty Road F and impacting <br />the County Road �lLexington Avenue intersection as well as the Lexington Avenue/694 <br />�ntersection. By performing ihe v�ork i� the evening hours, traff c flow on these r�ads are <br />greatl� reduced, a reduced risk of accidents, and less tirr�e delays for folks using the roadway <br />and construction equipment. <br />• No construction traffic will be �ern�itted to ingress or egress the site from the west on Count�T <br />Road F. Land O'Lakes ur�derstands there are residential units lo�ated west of the subject <br />property on County Road F. In order to reduce the amount of impact frorn construction <br />traffic noise on Land O'Lakes neighbor�, Land O'Lakes wil� restrict construc�ion traffic from <br />e�tering or �eavir�g the site from the west on County Road F. <br />��oncreie batc� planis typically do not operate during the evening hours. Most of the <br />concrete curb and gutter work wil� need to occur during daytime hours which will involve <br />closing sor�.e parking s�alls. The number ofstalls closed �vill depend on how the project is <br />phased and where the curb work is to occur. For example, curbed islands that need repair <br />may need only 3 0� 4 stalls closed off, u�hi�e longer stretch�e�l of curb work rriay require i�p to <br />10 stal�s closed off. Again, no or�-street park�ng will be permitted and Land O'Lakes will <br />Page 2 <br />