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Kristi ne G iga <br />Subject: FW: Valentine Pavement Project <br />From: Tony Jordan <br />Sent: Mon 4/26/2010 8:24 PM <br />To: Diane Hankee <br />Subject: RE: Valentine Pavement Project <br />Th�nk you Diane, <br />! l�ave just return�d fr�rr� t�e �4/��/�Q1� Caun�if ineetir�g. In �act it �s still �oin� �n as I vurite this ema�i�. <br />The emo�ior�s on t�e �ub►�ic side of tl�� meeting were �bvious. The C�ty engineer �nd �h� council may kn�� better b�� <br />the fact that 100% af th�e res�d�er�ts on Valentine �rest Road are against t�� r�c�r�struction has to give you pau�e. <br />Or�e of my nei�hbors mentior�e� � State Se�at�r t�at th�y ha�re cor�tacted r�g�rdin� th� issue, I do�'t of what impact <br />th�t may have other than to �tiff�� the co�ncil rnembers. ! t�ir�k th�y m�d� th� contact ��ca�s� th�ey felt th�t our <br />collective vaice (1�0%j was rr�t bein� �eard. <br />If th� issu� is r��n�y+, th�r� th�r� se�r�s t� �� three ch�ic�s: <br />�.. $85�� r�ow ��r r�co�struc�ion and t��� s��r� th� cl�cl� �n �he de��ri�ra�io� of th� ��vv r�ad surf��� th�� �ill <br />need re��irs �t � �utur� ���e. <br />�. �2C��� n�w f��r �r'�i�l �r�d +�re�rla�y and ���n star� �h� clock or� th� �et�rior��ion �f th� r�e�w ra�d sur���� �h�� w�i�l <br />need r�pairs �t a futur� dat�. <br />3. Zera dollars� ��vv to iearre �he road untouched and k��p �he clack rur�nir�� on �h� det�riar��ian of �h� c�rr�n� <br />surface �o the paint i� is evident to ihe people tl�at liv� tl�ere th�t it is �im� fc�r i�ts rec�nstruCtion. <br />!f �h� issue is �o�rernar��e, �h�n �her� s���s �o be thre� choices: <br />1. Explair� to ti�� r�side�n�s u�rhy i� has� tv be ��ne no�r s�� you ��� sam��hir�g �n�r� t��n Ula �o s�� i� �s n�c�s��ry. !f <br />��e City Er�gine+er and �ouncii da �r�a�w ��tt�r. <br />2. Li�ten t� th� c��lective voic� o� th� ci�iz�ns and com� t�p with � I�ss ��p�ns�v� solc�tion. As � Cot�ncii c�r <br />ir�divid�a! rr�er�nb�r s�e� b��ck, pat�s� �nd �001� at it fr�m th� r�si��nt's ��rs��ctiv�, sh�k� ��� th� ��f�r�s��� <br />r�sp��s� th�t �ar� oft�n come frorn b�ing f�c�d w�th op��sition, ar�d h��� �ur voic�. <br />3. Ga ahea� with th� recanstructiar� as �f the r�sidents don't exist. <br />A� this time no r�sid�r�t on Va�entin� �rest Ro�� thini<s thai their str+�et s�rface is i� ne�e� of r�pair. It is plaw�d �r�ll in <br />the winter, hoids up w��ll in the summer, and the difficult Spring and �all hav� not I��d t� difficu�t �othol�s. <br />Respectfully, <br />Tc�nyJar�an <br />���3 Valentine +Crest Road <br />