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Planning Case 10-007; Variance; 1146 Waldon Place; Mr. and Mrs. Goldman — Not <br />a Public Hearing <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman reported the applicants are requesting a variance <br />to construct a 100 square foot entryway into their home at 1146 Waldon Place that <br />would encroach eight feet into the required front yard setback. She then provided <br />background information and said that Staff offers the following eighteen findings <br />of fact for review: <br />Gene�al Findings: <br />1. The lot size meets the requirements of the R-3 Zoning District. <br />2. The existing home meets all required setbacks. <br />3. Dwellings are permitted structures within the R-3 Zone. <br />4. The proposed addition would encroach eight feet into the required front <br />yard s etb ack. <br />5. The proposed addition would not encroach into any other setbacks. <br />6. The structure coverage meets Zoning Code requirements. <br />7. The minimum landscape area requirements meet Zoning Code regulations. <br />8. The dwelling with the proposed addition would not exceed the 35-foot <br />height limit. <br />9. The existing dwelling and the proposed addition are outside of the 100- <br />year flood plain, wetlands, and easements. <br />10. There is no proposed tree removal for this proj ect. <br />T�a�iance Findings: <br />1 l. Single-family homes are a reasonable use within the R-3 Zoning District <br />because they are permitted within the Zoning Code. <br />12. The property itself is not unique in the City. The way the home is situated <br />on the lot could be considered unique, as it limits any alternative locations <br />for the addition. <br />13. The circumstances of the property were not created by the landowner <br />because the lot was platted prior to their taking ownership. <br />14. The proposed addition would not alter the essential character of the <br />neighborhood because the existing homes have inconsistent front yard <br />setbacks, the neighbors are in favor of the proj ect, and the addition would <br />improve the front fa�ade of the home. <br />15. The proposed plans and setback variance for the dwelling do not appear to <br />be based on economic considerations alone. <br />City Planner Beekman stated that with a motion to approve or deny the variance <br />the findings or reasons for the motion must be stated and the following criteria <br />must be listed: "The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the <br />property because..." If the Planning Commission recommends approval of the <br />variance, Staff recommends the following five conditions: <br />1. The proj ect shall be completed in accordance with the plans submitted as <br />amended by the conditions of approval. Any signi� cant changes to these <br />