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or������e zo� a-a� o <br />Su�d.52 Density transfer. The re�acatian of ha�sing uni�s ar square foatage af <br />bt��Iding area co�nputed o� part of a building site to anothe� par� of t�e s�te resultinb i� a� <br />�ncrea�se ir� density to �he trar�sfer area for the �urpase of preserv�ng open space, forested <br />areas, env�rQ�mer�ta� or ter�aln features dee�ned wortY�y of preservation by the Plannin� <br />Con�m�ssian. <br />Subd. 53 Density zan�ng. Dens�ty zan�ng shall be interpreted as t�e prov�s�on of lot <br />areas s�ai�er than the m�n�m�m req�ireme�t of t��s Cc�de unde� cond�tions whereby �he <br />tatal �umber of dwe�I�ng un�ts �s no� greater than the amount permitted under norma� <br />conditians. <br />Subd. 54 Dog kenne�, Com�ere�a�. A structure spec��eal�y designed and cammercially <br />�sed for the harboring a�three �3} or more dogs that are mare than three (3} manths old. <br />S�bd. 55 I?og kennel, Res�den��a�. A structure speclfcally designed an� res�dentiaily <br />used for harboring af up to thr�e (3} dogs tha� are n�ore tha� th�e� �3) �nonths old. <br />Subd. 56 Dog run. A strue�ure spee�f ca11y designed for domest�c use for the harborin� <br />and exercis� of not more than two (2) dogs. <br />Subd. 57 Drlve-ir� bus��ess. Any business establishr�e�t offer��g to customers a service <br />which �s primarlly or exelus�vely laid oUt, designed, e�uipped or operatec� so as to a�iow <br />��s c�stome�s to pu�chase a�d receive suc� service withaut having �o enter the bu�Iding <br />and usual�y wh�l� rem�in�ng in �I�e�r autQmobiles. By way of il�ustration, but w�thout <br />lim�ta�ion, drive-in b�s�nesses rnclu�e: drive-�n banks, dr�ve-�n launc�ry or dry c�eaning <br />establ�shmen�s, b�t da nat inc�ude businesses where prepared colnmadit�es, such as <br />prepa�ec� faod, beverages ar da�ry produc�s are sold. <br />Grocery stores, confect�onery stores, drugstores, or restaurants which offer "take home" <br />�ood se�vices as an incidenta� par� of thelr bus�ness s�all not be cans��ered dr�ve-in <br />b�sinessese <br />It �s recogn�zed that auto�nob�le service stations are dr�ve-i� businesses within the <br />meaning of the forego��g genera� defnit�on, but they are �xcluded from this def�n�tio� as <br />�sed herein s�r�ce they are �re�ted and defined separately �n �h�s Code. <br />Subd. 58 Dr�ve-up �Tindo�. A window or other apen��ng at a busir�ess establ�shment <br />�hat allows c�s�omers to purchase and/or receive a service or p�-aduct vvit��out �aving to <br />enter �he building. (Added 12/03/Q8) <br />Subd. 59 D�vel�ing. A b��lding or portion thereof, des�gned or �sec� exelusive�y �or <br />�-eside�t�al oe�cupancy, including s�ngle-famil}�, tvvo-family a�d �n��tip�e fam��y uses, �but <br />not including hote�s, motels� nursing homes, boarding or roo�ning houses, te�ts, seasonal <br />cabins, or mo�or hames or trave� tra��ers. <br />DRAFT: 6/24f20� Q <br />Page 7 of 49 <br />