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o�-d������ Za� a-�� o <br />Sub�. 60 Dwel�in�, �ive-wark �ni�. A dwel�ing un�t �n cor�b�nation w�th a sha�a. �ff ce, <br />studio, ar other work s�aee w��h�n the sa�ne un�t, where the res�dent aceupant bot� lives <br />and v�orks. A l�ve-wark u��� �s not synonyrnous with a home occ�pation because �t is <br />des�gned as a m�xe�-use fac�Itt�, whereas the home occupation is secondary and <br />aeeessory to �he residentla� use. (��dea� �/7/10) <br />�ubc�.61 Dwelling, multiple. A dwel�ir�g conta�ning three (3) ar more at�aehed <br />dwel��ng �ni�s. <br />Subd. 62 Dwel�ing, s�ng�e-fam�Iy. A dwelling tha� consists of one (�} dweiling unit. <br />Su�d. 63 D�veii��g, �wo-fam��y. A dwell��g that consists of two (2) dwel��ng units. <br />Subd.64 Dwellin� unit. A residential bui�d�ng or partlan thereof �nte��ed for <br />occupancy by ane (1 � family w�th faci��ties for liv�ng, sleep��g, eaok}ng and eating b�t <br />not �nclu�ing �otels? mote�s, nu�-s�ng l�omes, �ents, seasonal cab�ns, boardin� ar rooming <br />I�ouses, rn�tar �omes or �rave� trai�ers. <br />Subc�. 65 Dwelling unit, attached. A dwei�ing un�t wh�ch is jo�ned to one (1) or more <br />otl�er dwe�Iing units. <br />S�bd. 66 Dwelling un��, detached. A c�welling whic� ts not jo�ned to any other dwelling <br />un�t, and �s Ioca�ed on a separate lot w�th the s�ructure su�-rounded by open space and <br />hav��g a separate po��t of en�ry. <br />Subd. 67 �arth-she�tered home. A clwellir�g construct�d so that f fty (50) percent, or <br />more, of the exter�or surface of the completed build�ng, exclud�ng �ar�ges or other <br />aecessory �uiid�ngs, is cover�ed w�th or bears aga�nst ear�h. <br />Su�c�. 68 �ase�ent. 1� right or prlvilege in fa�or of a person ar a bovernment authorlty <br />to use a pareel o� Iand or por�ion thereof for spec�f c purpose. <br />Subd. 69 E�ual Degree af Eneroachment. A rnethod of determining the IQcation of <br />floodway baundaries so the f�ood p1a�n lands on both s�des of a stream are capabie of <br />convey�ng a proportionate share of flood f�ows. <br />S�bd. ?0 Exterior storage. �he storage af goads, materials, equipment, m�nufactured <br />proc�uets and s�m�lar �tems not fully enciosed by a building. <br />Subd. 71 �'am��y. An �nd�vie�ua� or two (2) or more persons, eac� related to �he other by <br />blaoc�, marriage, adop�ion or fos�er care, or a group af not more thax� faur (4} persons, <br />some or alI af whom are not related by b�ood, marriage or adop�ion, i�v�ng together and <br />ma�n�ain�ng a common household. (These regulatians sha�� not be applied so as to <br />prevent the C�ty �rorn making reasan�b�e accommod�tion as requrred by t�e Federal Fair <br />Housing Amend�nents Aet of I 988). <br />�RAFT: 6t24/201 Q <br />Page 8 of 49 <br />