Ord�nance 2010-01Q
<br />des��ed to respond to ��e ��dividua� nee�s af thase wha need help with act�vities of
<br />da��y �iv�n�, such as dressing, g�oo�in�, b�.thln�, etc. (Added 7/7/�0}
<br />Subc�. 133 Obs�rue��on. An� dam, �a�l� wharf, embankment, levee, dike? p�le, abutment,
<br />project�on, exca�a�ian, channel, n�odi�catlon, cu�vert, �u�ld�ng, wi�-e, fence, s�ackpile,
<br />refuse, f Il, str�ct�re? or �a.tter �r�, alo�g, aeross, or project��g i�to any e�anne�,
<br />wate�eourse, or regu�atar� �ood pla�n whieh may impede, retard, or change the c�irectior�
<br />af ��e �1ow of water, either �n �tsel� or by ca�ching or col�ecting debr�s carr�ed by sueh
<br />wa�er.
<br />Subd. 134 Office(�). A rao�n, �ui�e a�roQms, or a buildin� conta�n�n� raoms ar suites of
<br />�ooms in which persons eon�uct carr�merc�a� ac�ivitles, �rovide pro�essiana� services, or
<br />ca�-ry o� occu�atlons and where �oad� are not stared, produced, so�d at retai� ar repa�red,
<br />ine�uding but nat �i�nited �o the �o��owin�: exec�tive and �drninistr�t�ve offces, business
<br />o�fces s�ch as �nsurance, rea� esta�e, sales and s�milar of�ces, professional of�ices such
<br />�s o�f ees of �n�ineers� sur�eyours, arch�tects, acea�n�an�s, attorneys anc� bookkee�ers and
<br />s�rr��lar offces, but exclud�n� med�ca� c��n�cs. (Revised 7/7/10)
<br />Subd. 136 Off-s�reet p�rk�ng areas. Str�ct�res or areas of ground used for the storage or
<br />parktng of motor vehicles.
<br />Subd. 137 Qpen sa�es lot. Any lar�d used or occup�ed for the purpose of buying and
<br />sel��ng any goods, materlals, ar merchand�se, and far �he storir�g af same under the open
<br />sky prior to sale.
<br />Su�d. 138 Qpen s�ace. (S�e �a�dscape lot area.}
<br />Subd. 13g Or�inary hrg� wate� levei. The bou�dary of pu��ic waters and wetlands, anc�
<br />s�al� be an elevat�on de�ineating the �ighest water leve� whieh has been mainta�ned for a
<br />s�f�clent per�od o� time ta �ea�e ev�dence upon t�e Iandscape and as determined by the
<br />Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The ordinary hi�h wa�er mark is commonly
<br />that point where the natura� vegetat�o� changes from predom�n�ntly aquat�c tQ
<br />predominantly terrestria�. (Revi�ed 02/22/1 a}
<br />Subd. 144 Park}ng space. A�and area of suEh shape and d�rr�ens�o�s and sa prepared as
<br />to be usab�e for �he parki�g of � motar vehlcle, and so �ocated as ta be readily accessible
<br />to a public street ar a��ey. Trc�ck �oad�ng and unloading space sha�� not be �nc�uded in
<br />such area.
<br />DRAFT: 6/24/201 a
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