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a�di�anee 2010-014 <br />Subd.141 Pathway, pedes�r�a� �vay. A p�b��e or private way, r�nning across ar located <br />w�thin a p�a�ted �at ar bloek ar an u�pla�t�d �arce� of land, us�d pr�mari�y for pedestrian <br />tr�ff c. <br />S�bd. 142 Paw� sl�op. The Ioea�io� at which or �rem�ses �n whieh a�awnbr�ker <br />re u� �ar�� canducts business. (�dded 7/7/10) <br />Subd. 1�3 Pavv��raker. (a) �xce�t as pravide� �n para�ra,�� f b�, "�awnbroker" mea�s a <br />p= erson en�a�ed �n wha�e or i� �par� in the business of �endin mone_y an t�e securtty af <br />�le� ed �a�ds �eft in �awn, or �n the �usi�ess o� purchasin tangibie perso�a� propert� <br />be �eft �n �awn on ��e condition tha� �� may be redeemed or re�urchased by the se��er for a <br />fxe� �r�ee w�thtr� a�xed �er�oc� af time. <br />(b) The foilowin� are exempt fram t�e def nit�a� of "pawnbraker": any bank re�ulated� by <br />the state of M�nnesata, the comptroller a� the c�rrency of the Un�tec� States, the �e�eral <br />Deposit Insurance Co�arat�on, the �oard of goverrlors of �he �ederal Reserve System, or <br />any Qther federal or state au�hor�ty ar�d the�r a�fi�iates; any bank or savinas assQc�atior� <br />w�ase de�os��s or acca�nts are el�Qib�e for �nsurance by the Federa� De�osit Insurance <br />Cor�aratian or an� successQr to �t anc� all a�f�iates of �those banks and sa�inQs <br />assoeiatlons; any state or federally c�ar�ered credit ur�ian; and any Indus�r�a� loan and <br />thrift eQmpan or regu�ated lender sub�ee� to l�censin� and regu�at�an by the Depar��nent <br />of Co�nmerce. �Izevisea� 7/7/10) <br />Subd. 144 Persa�. Any Ind�vidua�s, firn�, pa�nership, earparation, carr�pany, <br />assaciatior�, joint stack association or bo�y polit�c; inciudes any trus�ee, rece�ver, <br />assignee or ot�er sir�i�ar re�rese�tat�ve thereof. <br />Subd. 145 Personal services. Servlees eustomarily rendered for cor�pens�tion. Such <br />serv�ces shall on�y involve mi�or storage and re�ated sa�es of products and supplies <br />re�ated to t�e ser�ice offered and for custamers ordlnarily ut��lzing the serv�ce offered. <br />Typ�ca� personal serv�ces in�lude but are r�ot l�r��ted to: apparel talloring and e�eaning; <br />ha�r s�yling, �r�mm�ng and cutti�g; �eauty services; photograp�ic services; and other <br />se�-v�ces a�a s�m�lar nature. <br />Su�d. 146 Planned un�t cievelopmen�� (�'.U.D.}. The development of a tract af �and �n a <br />�n�f ed manne�, pur�uant to a develaprr�ent plan speclfc��Iy approved by the city. <br />Subd. 147 Plann�ng comrniss�o�. The p�anni�g agency of Arden Hi11s as preser�bed in <br />Minnesata Statutes ��apter 462.354. It is advisory to the Clty Co�nc�i on a�l matters <br />related to the Ca�nprehensive P�an and ail of�cial controls that �mpiement the <br />Corr��rehens�ve P�a�, and aI� other matters referred to it by the City Coune�l. <br />S�bd. 14S Pra�ected waters. Any �vaters of the State as def �ed by �ta�e 1aw. �Iowever, <br />n� lake, po�d or flowage of �ess than ten ( l 0) acres in size and no r�ver or stream havir�g <br />a total drainage area less than tvvo (2} sguare m�les shall be regulated for the pc�rposes of <br />these regulat�ans. <br />DRAFT: 6f24/2010 <br />Page 16 of 49 <br />