�rd�nance 20�0-Q14
<br />S�bd. 149 Pu�lic use. The use of any Iot, parce� of �and a�d ar�y strueture or bulld�ng
<br />thereor� exe�us�vely fQr p�b�ic purposes �y a�y depa�tme�t ar branch of govern�ne�t,
<br />fec�eral, state, cou�ty or c�ty, exc�uding independer�t sc�oo� c�istricts, wi�hou� reference to
<br />the o�vnersh�p of s��d Ia�, parce� of �and; �ui����g ar structure.
<br />Subd. 15Q Pub�ic waters. �eans a bc�dy o� �vater c�pa�le o� s�z�stantial benef cial pub�ie
<br />use. This sha�� be constr�ed �a mea�, for the purposes af t�ese regulat��ns, any body of
<br />water, whic� has t�e po�ent�ai to support any �ype of recreationai �ursuit ar water supply
<br />purpose. � bod}� €�f v�a�er created by a pr�vate �ser where there v�as no prevlous
<br />shore�and, as de�ne� herein, for a des�gnated �ar�vate use author�zed by the commissioner
<br />af na�ural r�sources, shali be exernpt.
<br />�ubd. 1�1 Ra�lroad ��g�t-of-way. A s�rip of land with tracks and aux���ary facilities for
<br />track opera��on, but not ine�uding depots, �aading p�at�orms, stat�on, tra�n s�eds,
<br />warehouses; car sh�ps, car yards, Iocornat�ve s�ops or water tawers.
<br />Subd. 152 Reach. A hydra���c eng��eer�ng ��rm to descr�be a�ongi�ud�nal segr�ent of a
<br />strea� or r�ver �nflu�nced b� a nat�ral or man-made abstruct�on. �n an urban area, the
<br />segmer�t of a stream or r�ver between twa consecutive bridge crossings wou�d most
<br />typ�c���y const��ute a �-each.
<br />Subd. 153 Recreation, cornmercial. Recreat�o�al facil�ties �vh�ch are operated far pro�t
<br />ar render a service which �s c�stomariiy considered as a business.
<br />Subd. 154 Recreat�on, �es�dent�al. �lay apparat�s such as swing sets and slides,
<br />sandboxes, po�es f��- nets, picnie tables, �awn chalrs, barbecue stands, and s�mi�a.r
<br />eguipment or structures, when u�ed on residen��a� p�operty, but no� including e�ectron�e
<br />towers, tree hoUses, s�v�mm�ng pools, playhouses exceeding �vue�ty-five (25) square f�et
<br />of f�oor area, or sheds util�zed for stor�ge of equ�pmentv
<br />Subd. 155 Recreat�or�al �ehicles (RVs). Vehicles for recreatlona� ar ut�l�tarian uses that
<br />can be driverr, towed3 or haulec�. �nclud�ng, bu� �ot �im�ted �a, motor homes anc� trave�
<br />tra�lers, snawmab�Ies, pu�� campers, a�� terr��n vehic�es (ATVs), tent tra�Iers, or other
<br />similar veh�c�es. (�tevised 02/07/08)
<br />S�bd. 156 Reereat�anal vehicles (for the purpases Qf Seetion 1335 only}. A vehiele �ha�
<br />is ��i�t on a sing�e chassis, is 440 square feet or Iess when measured at the largest
<br />hor�zantal projection, is deslgned to be self-prope�led or permanently towab�e by a 1igh�
<br />duty �ruck, and �s designed primar�ly nat �or use as a permanent clwel��ng but as
<br />ternporary liv��g quarters for recreat�or�al, ca�npir�g, �ravel, or seasanal use. For the
<br />purposes of Sec��on � 335, the term recreational ve�icle �ha�1 be synonymous wit� the
<br />term travel tra.�Ier/trave� veh�e�e. (Adc�ed DS/QS/14)
<br />Subd. 157 Recreatio�al Vehlcles, LJtility Tralle�-s� Rid�ng Lawn Mowers, and Watercraf�
<br />�eight. �`he d�st�nce as measured fro�n the ground to �he highest point of the recreat�ona�
<br />veh�ele, utjlity trailer, or watereraf�, including any covering, as stared. This does no�
<br />DRAFT: 6/24/2010
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