�rdi�ance 2Q1Q-�1�
<br />Subc�. 168 �Zeta�� sa�es and servrces. S�ares ar�d ��aps selling, �er�ting or Ieasing goods
<br />for u�es away �'rom the pa�n� of sale or offers services av��lable an the �rem�ses.
<br />Incluc�es the �o��ovving: antiques, ar� and se�oa� supplies, auto ac�essories, bakert�s,
<br />bic}�E�es (nc�t rno�orize�), books, st�tion��y, candy, camer� a.nd p�o�Qgraph�c supplies,
<br />�arpets and �ugs, eh�na and g�assware, c�Qth��g anc� eostume rental, custom �ressrn�king,
<br />depar�n�ent stores, drugs, dry go�c�s, electrica� and �ouseha�d appl�ances, sa�es and repair,
<br />�Ior�st, food, furniture, furr�er sho�s, garden supp�ies (year-rour�c� operat�on on�y}? gifts,
<br />hardware, �ats, hobby shaps, �ntertor deeorati�g, jewelry, �eather goods and luggage,
<br />�ocksrril�� s�ops, �nusical �nstrume�ts, aff ce supply equip�rnent, opta�netrists, paint and
<br />�va��paper? phanograph records, shoes, spar�ing goods, tobacco, toys, var�ety sto�es,
<br />we�r�r�� appare�, and s�m�I�r type uses. 1Vlotar ve�icle sa.�es, motor vehicle Ieasing anc�
<br />re�nta�s, exterior e9u�pment renta� and sales �o�s, repair garages, an� open sales Iots are
<br />nat inc�udec� �r� �.his defin�tion of retail sales.
<br />Su�d. i69 Raadway. �'he entire�y of a prlvate street and tha� portion of ��u�lic street
<br />extend�r�g from the back o� the curb (i.e., the e�rbline} on o�e side to �he back of the c�rb
<br />(i.e., the curbline} on �he other side, used pr�mar��y for vehieul�r traff c.
<br />Subd. 17� Schoo�s, bus �ermina�. Schoo� �us termina� shall be a building or spaee
<br />er�gaged pr�mariiy �n the transportat�on a�d ac�iv�ties associated w�th the transpor�at�an of
<br />stu�en�s.
<br />Subd.1'll Schoo�s, general educat�on. Nurse�-y, prirnary, elementary a�d secondary
<br />schools.
<br />Subd. 172 Schools, �i�her educat�on. Jun�or eolleges, colleges ar�d universiiies a�provec�
<br />by the Nlinnesot� Higher Education Caordinati�g Baard for the Mlnnesota Departmer�t of
<br />Edueat�on.
<br />Subd. 173 Schoo�s, spee�al educat�on. Trade; voea��onal, business, barber, �eauty, art,
<br />music, danc�ng, drlving and other profess�ona� schaols, wit� or w�tho�t on-site housing.
<br />Subd. 174 Serv�ce station. A p��ce where �asoline, kerasene, diese� or other motor fuel
<br />or lubr�ca�ing o�� or grease for operat�ng �no�or vehicie� are o�fered fo�- sale to the publ�c
<br />and de��veries a�e made dTrectly inta mo�or veh�c�es. �ncludes greas�ng and oilinb, or�e-
<br />bay mator vehicle wash and the sale of au�omob�Ie accesso��es on the prem�ses. A�so
<br />inc�udes minor repairs, ine�den�al body and fender v�ork? r�inar p�inting an� uphalster-
<br />ir�g, r�placemer�t of pa�ts and rnotor services to passenger autornobi�es and trueks not
<br />exceedin�, one �nd one-half (1.5} tor�s capacity. �.t shal� �ot inc�ude major general repair,
<br />rebui�d�ng o� recondit�on�ng o� engines, �o�ar ve��cles or tra�lers; coll�s�an service,
<br />includ�r�g bady, fra�ne or fender st�a�ghte�ing or repa�r; overa�I painting or paint job.
<br />Subd. 175 �etback. The rninlmum horizontai dlstar�ce between a s�ructure and the
<br />ord�nary h�g� wa�er �evel or be�ween a structure and a raad, wel l, h ighway, or property
<br />l �r� es.
<br />��aFT: �i24i2Q� a
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