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Ordinanee 2�1�-010 <br />Su�d.182 Soii process�ng. �'he p�ocessing of san�, gravei or other ma�erl��s rr�ined fro�n <br />t�e Iand. <br />Subd.183 Staging Area. Ar�y exterior area that �s �sed to �oad? ur��oad, stack, pile, store <br />or assemble mater�a�s, e�u�pment or vehieles to be used e�ther an si�e c�r o�f s�te. <br />S�bd. �84 Sta�y. Tha� portio� af a�ui�di�g &�cluded 6etween t�e surface a� any floor <br />and ��e surfaee of the �oor next a�ove it, �r, i�' no such floor above� tl�e space between <br />such- �oor a�� the ceiling next a�ave it. <br />Su�d. 185 Stor�, half. A space under a s�ap�ng roof wh�eh �as �he I�ne of �ntersection of <br />roof e�eck��g and wali face not rr�ore t�an th�ee (3) feet above the tap floar level, and in <br />wh�c� space nat more t�an �wo-thir�s (2�3) of the f1oo� area is finis�ec� far use. A half- <br />story contair��ng inde�er�dent apartmen� or ��v�ng quarters sha�� �� coun�ed as a fu�l story. <br />Subc�. 186 �treets. A pu��ic or prlvate way, eonsis�ing in the case of a pr�vate way o� a <br />roadway and ir� the case Qf a p����c way af a roadv�ay ar�d a boulevard (the �atter of <br />wh�ch �nay �antain a sidewa�k), used p�-�m�rily for vehicu�ar �raffic, whether designated <br />as a street, avenue, parkway, road, �ane, throughway; expressway; highway, place or <br />ho�ve�er otherw�se des�gnated. The term "streets" tncludes the follo,wi�g c�assificat�Qns: <br />A. Collectar street. A st�-eet which carries traff c from local stree�s to streets <br />and highways of �igher clas�i�cat��ns. �t provi�es for bo�h �a�d acc�ss <br />service and locai traf�e maver�ents w�thi� resident�a� neighborhoods, <br />commerc�a� areas and �ndustr�a� areas. <br />B. Cul-de-sac. A street wi�h a c�rcular turr�-a-round and only one ou�let. <br />C. Loc�i street. A street of l�mited eontlnuity used pr��ar��y for access ta �he <br />abutting propert�es and the Iacal needs of a neighborhaod. <br />D. Minor arteria�. A s�reet system tha� �nte�-connects w�th and augme�t the <br />ur�an major ar�eria� system and pro�ide service to tr�ps of moderate �ength at <br />sarnewhat �ower Ie�el of travel �nob�I�ty t�an mfajor arter�a�s. Thls system <br />dis�r�butes trave� ta geagraph�ca� areas smaller th�.n those �dent�f ed with the <br />h�gher system. <br />�. Ma�ar arter�ai. �sua.��y a d�vided h�ghway wi�h four (�) or more Ianes and <br />serves the �najQr centers of act�v�ty of a�etropal��an area, the h�ghest traf�c <br />volume corridors, and the longest tr�p desire. The r�a�or arterlal carr�es a high <br />proportion of the total urhan area travel on a m�nimum mileage. Almost all <br />fully and partialiy controlled access faci�it�es are a part of this class. <br />F. Expressway. A type of ma�or arter�al with a controllec� aecess roadway <br />and expre�sway ramps to prQvide �ngress or egress to other levels of streets. <br />DRAFT: 6/24/2010 <br />Page 22 of 49 <br />