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Urdin�r�ee 2410-014 <br />The use of expressway ramps al�aws the uniform �aw of traf�c on a major <br />arte�i�l highway v�itl�out undue de�ays. <br />Subdo 187 �tructural a�terat�or�s. Any �ha�ge �� the support�ng mem�ers af a b��ld�ng <br />such �s bear�ng wal�s, eaiu�nn�, beams ar girders, or any �ubstan���l ch�.nges �n the roof <br />and exterior wa�Is. <br />Subd. 188 Str��ture. Anyt��ng constructed, the use o� which re�uires a pern�anent <br />lacatio� on the ground or attachr�e�t ta �ometl��ng h�ving a perm�nent Iocat�or� on the <br />grQ�nd, �nc�ud�ng, h�t not �imited to, �u��d�ngs, factor�es, sheds, detached garages, <br />cab�ns, manufactured homes, s�gns, recreat�onal vehic�es not rx�eet�ng the exempt�on <br />cr�ter�a ot�erw�se spec�fed �n the zoning code� a�� other s�milar items. <br />Subd. 189 St�ucture, accessory. A de�ached, subord�nate s�ructure, the use af wh�eh �s <br />inc�dental and related ta tha� of the principal use �f or princi�a� structure on the lot on <br />wh�e� it is �acated. <br />Subd. 190 Structure, mu�tip�e-oc�upar�cy. (See Mult�ple oceupancy build�ng}. <br />S�bd. 191 Structure, principal. The predomin�nt s�ructure t�pon a�Qt �� which the <br />pr�ncipal �se of th� Iot ls conducted. <br />Subd. 192 Structure, �emporary or portabl�. A structure which is no� intended for <br />perma�ent occupancy hut wh�ch may be su�tabie ir� Eertain situat�ons far spec�fc per�ods <br />of oeeupancy pending either constr�ction of �e�anent facilitles or a change �n <br />cand���ons that vv�i� e��m�nate t�e need for the temporary st�uctu�e. Portab�e classr�aorr�s, <br />�ortab�e of�ces ar�d air-suppor�ec� structures are examples of temporary ar portable <br />struct��-es. <br />Subd. 193 S�uc��os. A building or space wi�hin a bui�d�n� v�here professional artists, <br />mus�cians, photographers, dancers, des�gners, etc. pract�c� the�r professiar� or �each; <br />dispiay and sa�es of produets used or produced in the profess�on �s considerec� an <br />accessory use. <br />Subd. 194 �ubstantial damage. Dama�e of any arigin sustalned by � str�c�ure w�ere the <br />cost of res�oring the structure to its befo�e damaged cor�ditian �vouid e�ua� Qr exeeed 50 <br />perce�� of the r�arke� value of the structure befare the damage aecurred. (14ddea� OS/45/1 �) <br />Subd. 195 Subs�antia.l improvement. (Added OS/OS/10) Withrn any consecutive 3�5-day <br />per�od, any recons�ruction, rehabilitation (inc�uding norma� rna�nt <br />rep�ir after damage, addition, or other �mprovemen� of a struct�re <br />equa�s or exceeds SQ pereer�� of the market va�ue of the structure <br />constructlon" of the impxavement. This te� ir�c�udes structures <br />"substantial damage," regardless of the actua� repair work performed. <br />however, include either: <br />nance a�d repair}, <br />the cost o� wh�ch <br />�efore the "start of <br />that have incurred <br />The term daes not, <br />DRAFT: 6/24/2a10 <br />Pag� 23 of 49 <br />