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Ordinance 2Q1Q-0�� <br />A. Any project far irnpravement of a s�ructu�e to ca�-rect existing v��Iat�ons Qf <br />state a� laca� hea�th, sa��tary, or safety co�e specif eat�ons w��ch �a�e been <br />identi�ed �y t�e local cad� enfareement off�c�a� �nd which are the minimum <br />necessary to assure safe �iv��g condit�o�s. <br />B. Any a�te�-a�ion o�ar� "histar�e str�eture," pravi�ed that the a�teration wi�� <br />not prec�ude �he str�xeture's continued des�gn�t�o� as an "histar�� s�ructure." <br />For the p�rpose af this Ord�r�ance, "historic struct�re" sh�Il be �s c�e�rred �� <br />44 Cade af �edera� Re��latians, Part 59.1. <br />Subd. 196 Towe�. An� pole, spire or strUeture, or any combination thereof, to which an <br />antenna is attached, or w��c� is �es�gned far an antenna ta be a�t�ched, and a.11 s�ppor��ng <br />Iines, cab�es, v��res ar�d braces; i�c�uc�ing but nat ��m�ted to a free-standi�g rac�io <br />(�nc�uding �am rad�o and pr�vate radla transmitti�g) or te�e�isian receiv�ng antenna, a <br />windmi�l, �nd a w�nd-pavver gen�rator. <br />Subd. 197 i�'o�vnhause. A s�ngle-fam�ly dwelling, wh�eh ma�n�a��s pr�vate ing�ess and <br />egre�s, contains na i�dependent dwe�Iings above or below it, and is attached to ather <br />similar dwellings by a common wa1�. <br />Su�d. 198 Use. The purpose for wh�ch land or pre��ses ar a bui�ding thereon �s <br />desig�ated1 ar-ranged or intended, or for wh�ch �t Is or may be o��up�ed or ma�ntained. <br />Subd. 199 �se, accessary. A use which is �nc�de��al �o the pri�cipal use of �he lot on <br />whic� it ts r�aintainec� ar conducted. <br />Subcl. ZOa Use, pr�nc�pal. rI-`he primary or predaminant use for whleh �he Iot �r�d <br />s�ructure, �f any Iocated ��ereo�, is conducted or mai�ta�r�ede <br />Subd. 201 Use, prinEipa� mu�tlple-opera�ion. A business or �nc�us�rial operat�on wh�eh <br />consists af two �r r�ore distingu�shable uses, al� of vvhich are dependent upon each other, <br />but �one of v�hich is predom�nately o� ciearly �he princ�pa� use and al� of w��ch are <br />generally co�npa�ible w�th the permitted allowa�le uses in the d�strlet. <br />Subd. 202 t�se, condit�onal accessory. A us� w��ch is both an accessory �se and a <br />cond�tiona� use ar�c� which, after due consjderatlon by the Commission anci Counetl, <br />pursuant to �he applicabie pracedures co�tained herein, may �e allowed as ar� accessory <br />use by Cond�t�o�a� �.Jse Permi� granted� by the Council. <br />Subd. 203 t�se, cane��tional princ�pal. A pr�nclp�e use whic�, because of unique <br />eharacteristics, ca�r�ot �e c�assi�ed as a permitted p�ine�ple use in any part�cular d�str�ct, <br />and w�ich, �.ft�r due cansideration by the comrr�ission and council, pursuant to the <br />app�icable pr-ocedures cor�tained here�n, may nevert�eless �e al�owed on a site in a <br />part�cu}ar zon�ng distrlct by Concl�tiona� Use Perm�t be granted by the counci�. Includes <br />�emporary uses which require condrt�o�a1 approval b�fore be�ng allowed. <br />DRAFT: 6l24/2014 <br />Page 24 of 49 <br />