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Ordi�ance ZO10-�1 a <br />1320.135 Specia� Requirements of �he Mixed Residentia� and N�ixed Business Districts. <br />The 1V��xed Res�dent�al a�e� M�xed Bus��ess Distr�c�s encarr�pass 460 acres o�the former Twin <br />Citi�s Ar�y Ammu��tian P�an� (T�AAP} prope�ty, hereina�ter the 460 acres is referred to as the <br />TCA�P �roperty. The �CAAP propert� rep�-esents a s�gn�fcan� op�ortu��ty to expa�d t�e <br />E�ty's mix of hous�ng types, bus�nesses, p�arks, and apen spaces as �vei1 as an apportun�ty �o <br />cons�c�er an innovat�ve de�e�opmen� o�reg�onal si�ni�eanee such as a major league sports <br />�aci��ty. The informatian and proce�ures in this seetio� are intended to be a�ramework with�n <br />vv�i�� a deta��ed deve�opmen� p�a� �or �hese two dlstr�ets w�li be ereate�. The development p�an <br />must be a cohesive master �la.n that �s cost-effec��ve? c�oes nat bur�en the ex�s�ing com�nuni�y, <br />and adv�nces ��e goals o��rden Hil�s a�d the 2030 Compre�er�s�ve �'lan. The �nas�er plan shal� <br />be prepared pursua�t �o �he Planned Un�t Development procec�ur�s out��ned in this section. In <br />rev�ewing and approving a rnaster plan, t�e ���y Cou�cil s�►all make the �na� determi�a��on on <br />t�e co�npatibi}ity a�d consis�ency wi�h purpase af the MB and MR Distr�ets a�d alI provis�ons in <br />th�s a�d re�ated sect�ons of �he City CJrd��ance�. <br />Subd. I. General Procedure. In arder t� achieve �he p�rpase of the Mrxed <br />Resldential ane� Mixe� Business I3is�ricts, a reuse p�an far the T�AAP property sh�Il <br />be prepared through �he l�aster Planned tJn�t Deveioprr�ent �PUD) �rocess. This <br />process promotes the ret�se o� �and in a un�f eci manner by treating the entire <br />develop�nent as a single en�ity wh��e recogn�z�n� the �nique nature Qf the propertyo. <br />Tl�e procedure is sum�arized as fol�ows: <br />A. Applicant sha�I meet w��h C��y S��ff �o c�arify and c�etermine PUD <br />re�u�remer�ts and c��scuss applieant`s develapment cancept. <br />B. Applicant shal� s�bmit PUD Co�eept Plan ta the �ity. <br />C. Appiicant shaii s�bm�t a FLJD Master Pian to the City. <br />D. �'lanning Comm�ssian shall conduct publlc hear�ng(s) on the PUD <br />Master Plan and �nake a recon�mendation to the C�ty Council. <br />E. City Couneil may conduet addit�ona� �e�r�n�s and take act�on o� t�e <br />PUD Master P�a�. <br />�. T�e P�1D Mas�er Plan, as approved, including a�l appl�cable <br />c�ocumen�s, ls adopted as goverr�ing development plan for the 1VIR and MB <br />Drstr�ets and �ay be incorparatec� �nto the City's Zon�ng Code or �nta a <br />Deve�opmen� Eontract. <br />G. Appl�cant subm�ts Flnal PUD Plan for elements that are �o be <br />developed i�rn�ner�t�y. A Fina� PUD P�an shali be submitted for each <br />stage of developr�ent and construe��on. <br />H. Planni�g Cornmission conducts pubi�e hear�ng(s) for each Fina1 PUL� <br />Pian submission and recammends action ta the City Counc�l. <br />DRAFT: 6124/2010 <br />Page 32 of 49 <br />