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AR—DEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—May 10, 2010 12 <br /> 7.D. Sanitary Sewer Repair— Venus Avenue Easement(continued) <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Grant moved and Councilmember Holmes seconded a motion <br /> to Authorize Staff to Repair the Sanitary Sewer Main on the Venus Easement <br /> _by Realigning the Pipe and Adding Two Manholes, <br /> Councilmember Holden stated the amounts being presented are only estimates. The actual <br /> figures may be more significant and this may have an impact on how the Council votes on this <br /> project. <br /> Mayor Harpstead explained he would prefer to remove the trees and repair the sewer main in its <br /> current location because this is a sewer main and the less bends the more efficient it will operate. <br /> Also by removing the trees there would not be a need for the two additional manholes that the <br /> City would need to maintain. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if PVC was more flexible and if there would be fewer problems <br /> with it. She also stated that having the manhole covers along the trail would not be aesthetically <br /> pleasing. <br /> Councilmember Grant recommended Staff use the digital camera for proposals such as this so <br /> the Council has a clearer view of what is being proposed. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if this would need to be decided right away or if Council would <br /> have an opportunity to go and view the area again before making a decision. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated quotes are to be submitted by Tuesday May 11. Staff would like to <br /> have a determination so that they can work with the contractor who is currently working on the <br /> trail in this area if the Council decided to relocate the sewer pipe. The contract for Perry Park says <br /> this project needs to be completed by the end of May and the contractor will likely be paving the <br /> Venus trail at the same time as Perry Park. Staff would like to have this work done before the trail <br /> is paved. <br /> Councilmember McClung stated since the quotes would be submitted on Tuesday the Council <br /> could review these quotes at the Monday May 17 worksession and call a special meeting in order <br /> to provide Staff with the approval on what the Council would like to do. Even though these are <br /> cottonwood trees they are of significant size and the residents have expressed concerns over the <br /> number of trees that have been removed already with the trail project. He clarified he would like <br /> to have real numbers to evaluate before making a decision. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated she would favor tabling this project until Monday when the <br /> quotes could be evaluated. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated there is no funding to replant trees in this area and there have <br /> been a significant number of trees cut down. <br />