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�rr aurer <br />. , . . <br />Pu�lic Works Director, Elk River, 2007-January, 201fl <br />o Elk River's first �'ublic Works Director, �epa�t�neni consists of �uild�n� <br />1Vlair�tenance, Enginee�ing, F�eet �ai�tenance, Sewer and Sireets Divisions {34 <br />ful�-ti�e emp�oyees�. Also manage �ater D1V1SlOI1 vvhich is under Elk �Zi�er <br />1Viu.�cipal �tilities. <br />o�treet system consists of 14� center�in� miles. <br />o�ewer system consists of 73 miles of col�ect�o� systern, 21 �ift stations, �d <br />treatment faci�ity �vit� a capacity of 1.6 �IGD. <br />o Water s�ste�n. consists of 8 deep wells, 6 treatmer�t facilities, � elevated stora�e <br />t��nks and 70 miles o� distribution sys�ems. <br />o Fleet approximatel� 200 units. <br />o Built�ing ma��tena�ce responsi�le for 17 se�arate fac�lities. <br />o Custodial sta.ff �lea�s 116,3Q0 squa�e feet nightly. <br />o City representative fo� 1Vi���` Geomet�ic and ��viron�ental studies for i� 16� <br />and �'I-� � fl. <br />Cit� Engineer, Elk River, i978-January, ZOi� <br />o C��y encompasses 44 square rniles. Du�i�g m� tenure as Ciiy Engineer, the City's <br />po�ulation expax�ded f�om ��ss t�ian 3,50� to over �3,000. <br />o Developed and �mplemented E�l� River �'avem�nt Mana�ement Program. <br />o Revievved hu.n�reds of su�divisions for inclustria�, comn��rcial, multi-famiiy and <br />residentiai develop�ents. <br />a�`��er Region �W representat�ve for Sfl�.thern City Engineers o� the A��a <br />Transpo�#a.�ion Pla�i�g {ATP) organization. <br />o Se�-ved two t.�ree-year terms as Dis�rict 3 represer��a.tive on 1VIu.�ici�al Sta.te Aid <br />Screening �oard. <br />o Cu,rrentl� se�-ving a t�ee-�ear term on the Niunici�a� Staie Aid Screening Board's <br />Needs Study Subco��nitiee. <br />o Develo�ed an� in�}�le�nented the City's ErosionlSedirn�nt C�ntrol Program. <br />o Acquired in excess o� �6 �illion of �ederal fu.nding for vario�.s locai proj ects. <br />o Develo�ed and rnaintained productive re�ationships w�th �o��un�ty <br />represen�a.tives, Sherburne County, MnDOT, neighboring corn�unities, school <br />district and other agencies. <br />Edu�ation: <br />0 1VI�.ster af Business Administrat�on, Coi�ege of St. �hon�as, 1983. <br />o Bachelor o� Civil Engineering, University of Niinnesota, 1977. <br />