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8B, Appointment of Terry Maurer as Public Works Director
City Council
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8B, Appointment of Terry Maurer as Public Works Director
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Last modified
10/24/2024 10:10:45 AM
Creation date
7/12/2010 3:36:41 PM
Appointment of Terry Maurer as Director
General - Type
Public Works Director Appointment
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�:n�plo��ent of Relatives <br />List any relatives currentiy employed by the C�t� of Arden Hilis <br />Name <br />Person�.l Re�erences <br />(1�1ot former e�ployees or relatives) <br />�c,��� C� c�,� � _ <br />� r� � v�; -�� 1� �1 �l ���e�.-� � G r�,�t� <br />��# � ��� <br />��Y�� �� �',�' l �1��'�Y3 C� �-� <br />��� � ! � �e��� <br />_ �� Y � � � �� � ��� � � � V � � <br />Relationship 'i'o You <br />C� � �� � Ct� l�n�b� a ��'r� �,-�� <br />.�� � ��� ��- �� <br />����r�. �}�� �-� �� ���2 <br />���� � � � � � <br />� �i ocx� r�c� � � �.� � �. <br />� i �C � 1 v��Y'; �'%� � `�� 3 �� <br />�J' �'�t°.Y � t> �'� �. �Ur� <br />13�C� l-��c� �v�a.� it� <br />� l �. � i � . � � 5��.�5�� <br />�'ennesseen Warning,�ata Practices �Totice to All Applic�.�ts <br />���-��t�1�-3�O�Z <br />I �..�/ � f �� � w ` � � � <br />� V � � i�� � ' � ��� <br />�e Niinnesota Government Data Practice� Act requires t�at you be informed of the pur�oses and intended uses of the information you <br />provided to t�e City of Arden �Iilis during the application p�ocess or during err�ployment. Any information about yourself that you provide wi�� <br />be used to identify you as an applicant and to assess your qua�ifica�ions for employtneni with the City. if �ou wish to be co�sidered for <br />employmen�, you are required to �rovide �e information requested in the Application for Employmen�. If you refuse to supp�y inform�tion <br />requested by the Ci�y, it may mean your applica�io� will not be considered. <br />You are hereby advised that, under Minnesota �aw, t�e fo�lowing infor�nation given by an applicant is considered to be up blic : veteran status, <br />relevar�t t�si s�ores, ranlc on c�ur �ligi�le lis�; job hisiory; educa��on and ��aining; work availability. <br />As an app�icant, your name is considered riva#e until you are certified as eligib�e for appointm�n� to a position or w�en ap�licants are <br />cor�sidered by the appointing authority to �e �inalists fflr a position with t�e City of Arden Hilis. '`��na�ist" rr�eans an individ�ai who is selecied <br />to be interviewed b� the appoin�ing au��iority �rior to seiection. � <br />The data. concerning you, which is placed in your appiication folder or in yo�r personnel fiie and vvi�ic�i is no� listed as public, is �rivat�. Th�s <br />�rivate date w�i� be shared w�th you ar�d those n�embers of the Ci�y staff who need it to process the application, update your personnel record, <br />evaluate your work �e�forma�ce and if you are handicapped, provide the r�ecessary�tions. It r�ay also be sha�ed with the followin�: <br />persons au�horized to have access to the informatiot� under State or Fed�ral law; persons authorized by Court Orde� to have access to ihe <br />in�or�nati4n; and persons to w�om you consent in writi�g to have access to the informa�ion. <br />With t�e excep�io� of racial and ethnic data, �he data you give us about yourseif is needed to identify you and to assist determining your <br />sui�a,bility �or t.�e po�it�on for vvhich you are app�ying. Racial and eth�ic data re used i� summary %rrn by t�e Ciiy's Aff rmative Aciion <br />�'rog�an� tc� mon�tor protected class e�nployn�ent and to mee� Federal, Sta.te, and Local reporting requirements. Furnishing racial and ethr�ic <br />daia about yourself, as wel� �,s your social securiiy numt�er, is voluntary. <br />� certify that a.nsvvers herein are tru� and corr�p�ete to the best o�my know�edge. <br />� aut�orize inves�igation o� ali statements contained i� th�s Application �or Employment as may be necessary in ar�iving zt an err�p�oym�nt <br />decis�on. i un�lersta�d �hat t�is appiication is not, and is �flt intended, to be a contra�t for e�nployment. <br />in �he vent of �mploy�nent, I understand t�at false or mis�eading informatio� given in my application, �r inte�-view(s), may result in discharge. <br />� understand also, that I arn �equ�red to abide by all rules and r�gulations of the City. <br />i certify t�a� I have r�ad �he "Notice tfl Ap�lication" regarding the Mi�nesota Data �'ract�ces Ace {MN Statuies 1301-1390}, and I understand <br />my rights as a subj ect of date. <br />Ap�iicant Signature: Date: � � <br />City of Arden !* 1245 Wes# Highvvay 96, Ar�le� �ills, 1�1� 5� � 12 *�65 �} 634 -5 � 2� <br />
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