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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—JUNE 14, 2010 12 <br /> 8B. Elmer L. Andersen Memorial Frail Signage Approval(continued) <br /> MOTION: Councilmember McClung, moved and Councilmember Grant seconded a <br /> motion to Authorize Staff to contract with Serillraphics Sian Systems, Ine. in <br /> the amount of $19,645 for the production and installation of the Elmer L. <br /> Andersen Memorial Signape as presented. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated the PTRC has been very active in the signage request along with <br /> the Andersen family. <br /> Mayor Harpstead thanked all those involved stating the sign would honor Mr. Andersen. <br /> Councilmember McClung indicated he was very pleased with the final design of the signs and <br /> he was looking forward to seeing the signs installed. <br /> The motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> C. Lexington Avenue Sidewalk Project: Special Assessment Waiver Approval <br /> Parks and Recreation Manager Olson stated the 2010 CIP proposed to construct a 960 foot <br /> long, eight foot wide trail along the west side of Lexington Avenue from the Canadian Pacific <br /> Railroad crossing to the traffic signal at Grey Fox Road. When previously discussed, the Council <br /> directed Staff to contact the adjacent property owners to determine if they would be willing to <br /> fund half the cost of the project estimated at $63,000. The adjacent property, Shannon Square <br /> Shopper and Shannon Square Cub Foods is owned by Inland. After their preliminary internal <br /> review, they have agreed to fund up to half the cost of the project, with the other half funded by <br /> the City. Inland has requested the sidewalk be concrete instead of bituminous due to aesthetics <br /> being more compatible with the business area. Inland has requested to have their portion of the <br /> cost specially assessed to both properties. With this option, the City requested that Inland sign a <br /> waiver of their right to appeal the special assessments, which has been agreed upon. Staff <br /> recommends the Council approve the special assessment waiver with Inland to install a sidewalk <br /> along Lexington Avenue. <br /> Councilmember McClung asked if the interest rate should be set within the agreement. <br /> Parks and Recreation Manager Olson stated staff was not sure of the rates at this time and <br /> requested the Council state within the motion the rate shall be set 1-2% above the City's rate of <br /> return portfolio or as set within the Assessment Hearing. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned if the previous estimate was for concrete or bituminous. She <br /> also asked if engineering expenses would be included in the amount being assessed. <br /> Parks and Recreation Manager Olson indicated the estimate was for concrete and included <br /> construction but was not positive that engineering was factored into the $63,000 figure. The <br /> unknown at this time was the plans and specs as the grade of the trail was a concern. <br />