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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—JUNE 21, 2010 9 <br /> 2.C 2011-201 S Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) (continued) <br /> Park and Recreation Manager Olson indicated the cost for the two would be roughly around <br /> $275,000 to a little over$300,000. <br /> Councilmember McClung indicated he believed that at last month's meeting the question came <br /> up as to whether they had sufficient space to store a combination unit. <br /> Public Works Superintendent Mooney stated the unit that they had measured was an <br /> exceptionally long unit because it had an extra 4 foot toolbox on the back. He stated that without <br /> that toolbox, the unit will fit in our work storage area. He indicated that some of the other cities <br /> do have combination units and the brands are either Vactor or Flexible Tool. <br /> Councilmember McClung asked about the history of Arden Hills'jetter and vactor. <br /> Public Works Superintendent Mooney indicated the jetter is in poor shape but that the vactor is <br /> also beginning to have high cost repairs. <br /> Councilmember McClung asked if this was due to age or some other factor. <br /> Park and Recreation Manger Olson indicated the vactor is currently in the shop and the cost for <br /> repairs will be roughly$15,000. She informed that the current value of the vactor is only$25,000. <br /> Public Works Superintendent Mooney indicated there is some economy of scale, with having <br /> the combo unit, in terms of operation in how the crew works. <br /> Councilmember McClung recapped that assuming there is no serious down time, as the unit <br /> would be under warranty, there should be some improvement on how Public Works is able to run <br /> the crew because the unit is a combo unit. <br /> Public Works Superintendent Mooney agreed. He said running two full-time units would <br /> require two employees plus a part-time employee in the summer where with the combo unit they <br /> would only need one full-time employee and one part-time employee in the summer. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding whether it might be beneficial to keep one of the old units, either <br /> vactor or j etter, even after purchasing a new combo unit. <br /> Public Works Superintendent Mooney mentioned there was talk that in the future cities may <br /> also be responsible for cleaning their storm sewer lines, which this equipment would assist with. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the size of the unit and if it would be able to get to all areas of the <br /> city. <br /> Mayor Harpstead was in favor of leaving this piece of equipment in the 2011 CIP. The Council <br /> was in agreement. <br />