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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—June 28, 2010 4 <br /> 4. Consent Calendar (continued) <br /> MOTION: Councilmember McClung moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a <br /> motion to approve the Consent Calendar as presented and to authorize <br /> execution of all necessary documents contained therein. The motion carried <br /> unanimously (4-0). <br /> 5. PULLED CONSENT ITEMS <br /> None. <br /> 6, PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> None. <br /> 7, NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Resolution 2010-034: Receiving Proposed Special Assessment Roll and <br /> Proving for Hearings for the 2010 Pavement Management Program <br /> Civil Engineer Kristine Giga stated on May 10, 2010, the City Council awarded the 2010 PMP <br /> project to T.A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc. Portions of the costs for the 2010 PMP project are <br /> proposed to be assessed to the benefiting properties. In order to assess these costs, the City must <br /> follow the Public Hearing steps outlined in State Statute 429. At the June 14, 2010, City Council <br /> meeting, the City Council adopted a resolution declaring costs to be assessed and ordering the <br /> preparation of assessment rolls. The next step is for the City Council to adopt a resolution <br /> receiving the proposed assessment roll and setting a hearing date for the assessments. The project <br /> is proposed to be assessed consistent with the City's assessment policy, which states that 50% of <br /> the costs for roadway improvements will be assessed to residential properties, and the remaining <br /> portion financed using various City funds. The two properties at 1645 Valentine Avenue and <br /> 4093 Valentine Crest Road have been identified as sub-dividable, according to current City Code. <br /> Council directed Staff to move forward with the option where the City and the property owners <br /> sign an agreement which would be recorded against the property and contain the following <br /> elements: property owner acknowledges that benefit will accrue upon subdivision of the property, <br /> the property owner waives hearing requirements of Minn. Stat. 429 if subdivision occurs, and the <br /> property owner agrees that the City does not have to approve a subdivision unless the second <br /> assessment if paid. The lot at 3 317 Katie Lane'is a vacant lot owned by the residents living on the <br /> adjacent lot. The City Council directed Staff to proceed with this lot in the assessment roll. The <br /> total amount to be assessed is $306,528.86. There are two proposed assessment rates; one for the <br /> streets to be reconstructed (Valentine Avenue, Valentine Crest Road, and Valentine Court), and <br /> one for the streets to be milled and overlaid (Katie Lane, and Katie Court). The current <br /> reconstruction assessment rate is $8,268.46 per unit based on 31 units. The current mill and <br /> overlay assessment rate is $1,476.67 per unit based on 34 units. The assessment policy states that <br /> the interest rate shall be set at prime plus two percent. Prime rate is currently 3.25%. The current <br /> annualized rate of return on the City's portfolio is 2.5%. If the City Council were to set the <br /> interest rate at 2% over the annualized rate of return, the rate would be 4.5%. The standard <br /> payment period is 5 years for a mill and overlay, and 10 years for a reconstruction project. <br />