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2_ The Emp�oyer her��y wa�ues or reduces the rec�t�irement o�a twe�ve (12) �r�nzh Period of Service for <br />�ar�ieiparion. The requi�ed�Period of Service shall be {���-ite N/A if an �mplo�ee is e�igib�e to �artic�gate <br />upon emp�vymen�} �,� _ ^ <br />If th�s vsraiver or reduction �s elected, it shal� app��T ro a�I En�pfoyees withi� r�e Covered Err�ploymen� <br />Class�ficarion. <br />3_ A mir�imum age r uireme�t �s h�rel��� s�eeified for eligihi�ity to participate_ The minimum age <br />requirement is �� {not to exceec� age 2I. �Irite l�lA iino r�in�mum age is declared.) <br />VI. CflI�I'�`RIBi��'IUN PRQ�ISIONS <br />i_ `�-he Er�p�oyer s�a�� contribu�e as fo��ows (choose a�I that app�y): <br />�ixed Emp�flyer Con�ributio�s With or Without Manda�ory Par�icipant Contributions. ��f <br />secr�on B or C is c�osen, please complete sectiQn D_ Section E is optiflna�_} <br />A. Fixed Er�Tpl_oye� Contr�butions. �e Empl�ver shall c�ntribute c�n beha�f of each Part�cipant <br />°` ��% of Earnings o�- $__ _ �or the Plan Year (subject to t�e limitations of �rtic�e �I <br />af the �'Ian}. <br />IVlandatory I'arricipant Contriburions <br />are required �- are no� re�uired <br />to be e�igible for this Employer Contriburion_ <br />B. �andatort� I'articipant Conrributions for P�an Participazion A�'artici�an� is required ro <br />contribute (subject �o the ��mita��ons of Artic�e V of the Plan} <br />(i) 1,����/o of Earnin�s, <br />�iiJ �---- � OT <br />�iii} a whc��e per�e�tage of �a�-��ngs be����e►� ��e �-�s��� �� _ (��ser�- range �� <br />percentages between 0% and 20% (e_g., 3%, 6%, or 20%; S% to 7%)), as desigiiated b� the <br />Emp�oyee in accordance wirh guidelines and pracedures esrablis�ed by the Ernployer <br />�or the I'lan Year as a condition of participarion in the I'Ian. g, Partiei�ant sha�l not have <br />th� righr to disconrir�ue or var� the rate oEsuch eontr�bi�tions ��ter becoming a�'lan <br />���-r�ci�ant_ <br />�he Emplover �er�by elects zo "gick up" the 1Vlandator� �'ar�icipant Contributions_' <br />. <br />� �es . No b2l <br />� � <br />C_ 1Vlandato�-v �'art�c�pan� Conrributions for this Por�ior� of t�e Plan �ach Err�ployee e�igible <br />ta part�ci�ate �n the I�lan s�a11 be given r�e opport�ni�y to irrevocab�y elect �o parricipaze <br />in the �Vlanda�ory Partic�pant Cantriburion part�on of rhe P�an �y e�ecring ro conrribute <br />_ __ _ _ __ �Insert YAn�P o�percentages bPt�Pen 0% r�nd 2D% (e.g_, 3%, �%, <br />or� 2(1%; 5% to 7%1� of the E�n�Ioyee's �arnings to t�e #�Ian �or each I'lan Year {subject to t�e <br />lim�ta�ions of Artic�e V of �he Plan). <br />'�Veither an I,�S r.rclvisor�y lPttes- nor a dP-�termination lette� iss�ePd to an Qdopting .��n-�ployer is a ruling b� t�iP �nternal �ZevenuP Service that <br />Participant contributions t�at ar� picked up by the Emplo��er are �tot includ�ablP in the Participant's gr�s.s ineome�or fedPral i�co�rce tax pu�-poses. <br />Pirk-u� contributions arP not mandatPd to receive private letter rulings, �iowever, if an adopting Pm�loyPr �ishes to receive a ruling on pirk-�p <br />contributions t�ey mdy rPquest one in dcrar�lance with RevPnue l'rocedur� 2007-4 (ar sz�bsequent guidance). <br />. _ _. , . __._ ._ _.. . _. -- <br />Money �'urchase I��an 1�doptivn Agreemen� � <br />