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A Parricipant sha�� not ��ve the righr ta discontinue or �rary t�e rate of such co�tributians af�e�- <br />becoming a Parricipa�t �n th�s porrion of the P�an. <br />�e Err�plQyer �ereby e�ects t4 "p�ck up" the Mandator� Part�cipant Contr�l�utions.Z <br />� Yes � �Io <br />D_ E�ectio� �XTindow. �ewly e�igibl� Emp�oyees s�a�l be p�-ovidec� an election window v�_ ____ <br />c�a�s {no more �than C�0 �aIendar da}�s} �rom t�e date of initiaT elig�bi�i�y during whic� t�hey may <br />make t�e e�ection ro parricipate in the Mandarary Participanr Conr�-iburion porrion o�the PI�n_ <br />Participation in the �1�ndatory Parrie�panr Contributian porrion of the Plan sha�� begin the first of <br />the mon�h foilowing rhe end c�f t�e e�ection window_ <br />An Employee's elee�ion is i�-revacable and s�al� remain in force unFi� the �rnp�oyee term�nates employment <br />or ceases tc� be eligi��e ro participa�e �n the P�an. �� t�e event o� re-employment to an eligi�le pc�sition, the <br />Emp�o�ee's origir�a� electior� will resc��e. In no evenr does rhe Employee �ave the opt�on o�receiuing rhe pic�- <br />�� eonrribut�on amo�nr direc�Iy_ <br />L� Fixed Employer Match of Voluntary i'articipar�t Contributions. <br />The Employer shall contribute on bel�a�Fof eac� Participa��t % of Earnings for ��e Plan Year �subject to <br />the limi�atians o�tlrticle V of the �'lan) fo�- eac� P�an Year that s�ch Participant has co�t�ib�ted _ % of <br />�arnings or $ _ __ _. �Jnd�r this option, t�ere is a$ingle, �xed rate of Employer contri�utior�s, <br />�u� a I'art�c�pant rnaj� decl�ne to rriake the �-et�uired Partic�par�t cun�ributions in an,y �'lan Year, in vtr��c� case <br />no Emp�oyer contribution vvil� b� made on the �'a�-tici�ant's beha�f in that P�an Year. <br />� Variab�e Emp�oyer 1Vlatch o�Voluntary Participant Contributions. <br />The �mployer sha�l contri�c�re on beha�f o�eac� Participanr ar� arr�ount �etermined as follaws (subject to the <br />�imirarions of Arr�c�e V of �he P�an�: <br />_% of rhe Voluntary Participant Con�ri�ut���s rr�ade hv ��e Pa�-ticipant for the Plan Year (not in�luding <br />Participant con�ri��ations exc�ed��g °�� �f ���a�a�g� o� � — ---); <br />PLUS �/c� of t�e conrributio�s mad� by the Participant for thc Plan Year in exc�ss of those inc�ud�d <br />ir� rhe above pa�agraph {�ut not �n�luding Vo�unra�-y Part�apant Con�ribu��or�s exceed�ng in ��e aggregate <br />% o� Earnings or $__ _ _1_ <br />�mplo�er Ma�ching Gon�riburic��s Q� behalf c��a Partici�ant fnr a Plan Year shal� not exceed $ _____ or <br />___% af Earnings, wl�ichever is _ more or _ Iess_ <br />2. Each I'articipant rr�a� make a vo�untary �unmarched�, after �ax contribution, sc�bjec� to r�� l�mitations of <br />Section 4.0� and Ar�ic�e � of ��e Plan_ <br />� Yes � I�Io <br />3. Er�p�oyer con�-ributions for a P�an �ear s#�a�� be conrributed to the Trusr in accordance wit� rhe fo�lowing <br />�aymenr schedule �n� larer than rhe 15�h day of the renth ca�endar �nonth fo�lowing rhe end of tl�e cale�dar <br />}�ear o�r f�scal year (as applica�Ie depertd�ng on t�e �asis c�n �vhich t�e Employer keeps its books) witl� or �vi�hin <br />which ��e �articular Limitation year en�s, Qr ir� accordance with appli�a�le law): <br />' SeP footnote � on shP previous page. <br />����� <br />3 Mo�ey Purchase Plan Adoption Agree�nenc <br />