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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—August 9, 2010 12 <br /> 6. B. Mn/DOT Interstate 694 Improvement Project—Public Hearing(continued) <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated the trail crossing being proposed is reasonable and goes into <br /> County Road E where the City has plans to make a trail. She asked Mr. Lindeberg to respond to <br /> the trail proposed by Gene and Steve QJerdingen. <br /> Mr. Lindeberg stated a trail that ran parallel to Trunk Highway 51 would need to go under the <br /> railroad bridge and there is presently not enough width under this bridge or this trail would need <br /> to go up and over the railroad bridge, which the railroad may not be in favor of. -- <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated Mn/DOT is not trying to accommodate a pedestrian crossing. <br /> The US Secretary of Transportation stated that when a road project is being looked at, non- _ <br /> motorized traffic should be taken into account. <br /> Mr. Lindeberg stated Mn/DOT looked at having a pedestrian crossing but it was found to be <br /> unsafe unless a separate pedestrian bridge was constructed. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated the project design and information being presented is incomplete. The <br /> whole concept of being unable to connect to existing County and City plans is a problem because <br /> this is a fast design. Clearly the whole opportunity to have those landing spots developed in <br /> parallel to Mn/DOT's project is an impossible opportunity. The City has been explicit in that they <br /> would like to be able to get pedestrians through here. Mn/DOT should pay attention to the fact <br /> that bikes do currently travel Hamline Avenue and Trunk Highway 51 and they are not prohibited <br /> from doing this. Bikes currently travel these roads and currently have the safety concerns that <br /> Mn/DOT has outlined and the design being proposed will increase the jeopardy for these people <br /> rather than reduce it if the margins are not increased to accommodate for them. The analysis on <br /> the benefits to local businesses is incomplete as well. The ramp traffic flows are not complete and <br /> it is not possible to compare "apples to apples". Mr. Lindeberg pointed out that local streets <br /> would benefit by having less traffic because it will move to I694 but the 2009 Traffic Counts state <br /> southbound Hamline Avenue is at 3,370 and in 2030 this is increased to 8,960. Clearly traffic has <br /> been added to this area from southbound Hamline rather than reducing it. He pointed out this <br /> analysis was not possible for northbound Hamline Avenue because the figures were not provided. <br /> The traffic figures also show that the traffic count through this area in 2009 is in the 16,000 range <br /> for northbound Trunk Highway 10 and the westbound I694 counts in the 43,000 range. When the <br /> project is finished these traffic counts are expected to be 36,000 on northbound Trunk Highway <br /> 10 and 43,000 on westbound I694. The redesign is shifting everything onto Trunk Highway 10, <br /> which impacts the City of Arden Hills and its residents directly and this is an area of concern. The <br /> traffic counts for north and south Lexington Avenue are not available for analysis. He asked if <br /> Bolton&Menk had these figures available. <br /> Mr. Lindeberg stated he would leave a copy of the layout that had the figures that Mayor <br /> Harpstead was requesting. <br /> Mr. Chris Chromy, Bolton & Menk, Inc., stated the layout that was reviewed by Bolton& Menk <br /> did not have the 2030 traffic figures and so these figures have not been analyzed. <br />