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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—August 9, 2010 13 <br /> 6. B. Mn/DOT Interstate 694 Improvement Project—Public Hearing (continued) <br /> Councilmember Holden stated the accident ratio in the area that will be redesigned is currently <br /> 5.6%. She asked if this figure would increase during construction. <br /> Mr. Wayne Norris, North Area Manager with Mn/DOT, stated due to the limited access during <br /> the construction phase the number of accidents is expected to reduce but there are no studies that <br /> have been done by Mn/DOT in this respect. <br /> Mayor Harpstead opened the public hearing at 8:45 p.m. <br /> Mr. Gene Gjerdingen, 2553 Fisk Street, Roseville, stated he is a bike commuter. He provided _ <br /> the Council with information from Mn/DOT's bicycle design manual. He stated that according to <br /> this information Mn/DOT has the responsibility to provide a safe pedestrian or bicycle crossing <br /> and this should have been part of the planning and design of this project. <br /> Mr. Maurice Gieske, 1817 Janet Court, Arden Hills, stated he had participated in the NAC and <br /> understands that Mn/DOT will not be providing a noise wall. He suggested alternatives that have <br /> not been considered, such as utilizing the large amounts of dirt that will be removed to build a <br /> berm which will help reduce noise levels for neighborhoods. These neighborhoods are already <br /> above the maximum decibel level set by the State and having the increase in traffic will only make <br /> this worse without some sort of noise barrier in place. Mn/DOT should be able to provide some <br /> compromise for these neighborhoods. <br /> Ms. Chris Lustig, 1901 Todd Drive, Arden Hills, encouraged the Council to deny Municipal <br /> Consent at this time because, as the Mayor pointed out, the plans are not complete and Mn/DOT <br /> has not been able to provide answers to the questions that have been brought up by the residents <br /> and the Council. <br /> Ms. Linda Hansohn, 1124 Amble Drive, Arden Hills, stated she is happy that Mn/DOT is <br /> looking at redesigning this section of the system because this area needs to be made safer for <br /> people to travel on. She encouraged the Council not to shut down the project even though it is not <br /> perfect because something needs to be done in this section of the highway. <br /> Mr. Tom Valind, 1463 Arden View Drive, Arden Hills, stated concerns about the noise and the <br /> need for some sort of noise abatement. He also stated that a stop sign at County Road F would <br /> cause problems in the future as the traffic count increases. <br /> Ms. Toni Morgan, 1565 Briarknoll Drive, Arden Hills, moved to Arden Hills in 1987 and at that <br /> time there was no noise. Each project has brought changes to the noise levels but Mn/DOT <br /> continues to say that this change will not be significant. All these changes over time add up and <br /> something needs to be done about the noise levels. <br /> Mr. Steve Gjerdingen, 2553 Fisk Street, Roseville, agreed that the project is incomplete and the <br /> main reason is because it lacks a bicycle and pedestrian crossing. He asked if there had been any <br /> contact with the railroad regarding the possibility of a bridge or underpass. He stated Mn/DOT <br /> could make a better design. <br />