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iV. �ANCEi.I�A'I'it�N <br />. This Agreement n3ay be cance�.ed b� the COUN�'Y or the ���TTE� at any �, and <br />containers ret�.�.rned �n�.an�aged, �vitlhi� t.�ie term, v�itl� or w�tl�out ca�.se, upon tl�:irt� �30� <br />days wri�en notice to the Qthe� part�y. <br />�e COtJi�1� r�a� car�c�l this � eement wit�o�.t notice if the CO�J�3TY finds t�iat <br />� <br />there has been a failure to compl� with t�e pravisions of �his agreem��t, t�a� �reasona��e <br />progress has not been made, or that the purposes for vv�rhich the recycling contai�ers were <br />grant�d have n�t been or wil� r�ot be �lfillec�. <br />, <br />v. co�:��s ��Txo�z�� ���sEN�rA�r�� � <br />� i'he CC3L.TNT'Y's a�.thor�zed �epresenta.#�ve, fo� the �urposes of�stration of �l:zis <br />�ontract, is Marjr F1li,zabet� �e�g�ur�.d, Program Supervisor — Con�iu�� Involvement <br />�.1nit. Such represe�ta�.ive sh�1�. �ave final authc��rit�r fo� accepta�ce of the ��NTEE's <br />serv,ices and if s�.ch servi�es are accepte� as satisfactory. ' <br />�ie GRANTEE's au�liori.zed representativ� for �urposes of ad�stration of t.�is <br />Agreement is � � � c � e. � � �.. � � s� ��i�� � �ec�> . T�ie G�Al�TEE's authori�ed <br />re�resentative shall have fu�l authori � to re s nt the GR�N�'EE in i�s ful�ent of <br />� � <br />the terms, conditions and requireme�ts of rhis Agreement. <br />�. A�SIGNiVIEN'� � <br />GF��T`�EE �hall neither assign �or trans fe� any righ�s or obliga,tions under t�is <br />Agreer�.ent without the prior written ca�s�nt of the COL7�T'3'Y. <br />�II. 1�MEN�iVIE�T'�'S <br />Any amendmer�ts to this �lgreement sha.11 be �n wri�ing. <br />VI I i. IND E 11rI�TI'I'� <br />T'he GR1�N�"�E shall defend and �demnify t�ie COUNTY, its o�ficers, a ents, �.nd <br />� <br />em��oyees from all cla.ims and causes of actions rela,�g to or arising f�rom tlie <br />�R.A�T�E's use of t�e recyc�ir�g conta.i�ers prflvided pu.rsuan� to this 1�greemer�� This <br />pr�v-is�on shall survive a�y ter�m�in�.t�on of this 1�g�r�e�nent. <br />�. co��v� AUD��s � <br />�i�e books, records, dacuments and accounting proceduxes and�prac�.ces of �ie <br />G1�►ANTEE re�.evant to this �gr�ement sl�all be su�ject to exam�ation by the <br />C�7Ul�TTY's auditor. <br />X. DA'I'A PRACTICES A�'I' <br />�ie �GRANT�E agrees to com�ly �rith tl�e �1�iir�nesota �-overnment �ata, Pra�t�ces .�ct as <br />it appli�s to ail c�ata. pro�rided by the C0�.7�T�'Y ir� accordance with this A eement and as <br />� <br />it applies to all data. created, gathe�ed, generated or acquired in accorda.nce with �is <br />Ag�eemen�. . <br />�e Ac�ivel Be �ree�� Recycling Container .�greement <br />�'age 2 0�' 4 <br />