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PC Packets 2010
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11/9/2015 2:49:41 PM
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10/29/2010 2:22:10 PM
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9,898 square feet of parking islands for this project. The applicant is providing 15,529 <br />square feet; an excess of 5,631 square feet. <br />Tree Selection Meets Requirements <br />Presbyterian Homes has submitted a long term landscape management plan, which is not <br />required by the City. The plan calls for the management of the forested areas over time to <br />ensure their continued growth. Most of the trees being removed are considered undesirable <br />trees because of their species (i.e. Ash, Cottonwoods, Box Elder, and Silver Maples). The <br />proposed replacement trees are extremely diverse and include; Columnar Maples, disease <br />resistant Elms, River Birch, White Oak, Serviceberry, Black Hills Spruce, Red Cedar, <br />Austrian Pine, Redbud, and Crabapples. The mix of replacement trees will result in a <br />healthier stock of desirable trees on the site, and ultimately a healthier urban forest. <br />B. Lighting Section 1325.05 Subd. 3 Exceeds Requirements <br />City Code requires downcast lighting that is arranged so that it directs light away from <br />adjoining lots and public streets, and only to the site to which the lighting is intended. To <br />meet this standard the Code requires that lights shall not case light that exceeds a meter <br />reading of 1 foot candle on streets or 0.4 foot candles on adjoining property. The proposed <br />plan exceeds this requirement. The light generated from the site would not exceed 0.1 foot <br />candles at any point around the property with the exception of the primary entrance on Lake <br />Johanna Boulevard, which would not exceed 0.3 foot candles. <br />C. Design Standards Section 1325.05 Subd. 8 Exceeds Requirements <br />The proposed zoning district for this property is R -4, Multiple Dwelling District. This <br />zoning district does not include design standards such as those that have been adopted for the <br />B -2 and B -3 Districts. However, at the suggestion of the City Council Staff has reviewed the <br />application as if the design standards from those districts were in place. The discretion <br />offered the Planning Commission and City Council through the PUD review process allows <br />additional scrutiny when needed to ensure a high quality development. <br />Because the B -2 District is a commercial district many of the design standards would not <br />apply to a residential development such as this. However, based on a review of the design <br />standards which would apply to this type of project, Staff has found that this proposal <br />significantly conforms to, or exceeds, the design standards laid out in Section 1325.05 Subd <br />8 of the City Code. <br />D. Parking Section 1325.06 Exceeds Requirements <br />The existing facility currently has 250 surface parking stalls. While the number of existing <br />stalls appears to be adequate, the location of the stalls and their proximity to the primary <br />entrance of the facility means that employees tend to park on the street rather than in <br />designated spaces. The applicants are proposing to construct 357 parking stalls as part of the <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for November 3, 2010 <br />Page 8 of 15 <br />
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