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10/29/2010 2:22:10 PM
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the setback to Lake Johanna to 133 feet at its closest point; however, the vast majority of the <br />building is setback even greater. <br />Section 1325 General Regulations <br />A. Landscaping and Tree Preservation Section 1325.05 Subd. 1 and 1325.055 Exceeds <br />Requirements <br />Landscaping and Tree Preservation plans were submitted by the applicant and are included in <br />Attachment D. This is a heavily wooded lot that presents challenges for meeting the tree <br />preservation requirements. The following table outlines the requirements of the tree <br />preservation ordinance pertaining to the tree removal that is to occur on site. <br />Total Existing Significant Trees <br />Proposed Significant Tree Removal <br />Replacement Trees Required* <br />Total Trees After Development* <br />Caliper Inches <br />6,241 <br />3,939 <br />1,658 <br />4,384 <br />Number of Trees <br />317 <br />208 <br />656 <br />Replacement trees are calculated by subtracting the ten percent permitted removal from the proposed removal <br />and dividing by two. <br />Total trees after development are calculated by adding the number of preserved trees with the number of <br />trees proposed to be planted. <br />The number of trees required may vary depending on the size of the trees planted by the developer. City <br />Code requires a certain number of caliper inches to be planted. If larger trees are planted then fewer trees <br />would be required. <br />Based on the submitted plans, the applicant is proposing to remove 208 of the 317 significant <br />trees that existing on site. This would result in a loss of 3,939 caliper inches of significant <br />trees and require 1,658 caliper inches of replaced trees to be planted. The applicant is <br />proposing to plant 2,082 caliper inches of trees, which exceeds the minimum requirement by <br />424 inches. The total number of trees planted would be 547. The result of the tree <br />preservation plan will be a net increase in the number of trees on site, even though the <br />number of caliper inches of trees on the site is being reduced. This is because the average <br />age of the trees being planted is much younger than the average age of the trees being <br />removed. <br />Perennials and Shrubberies Exceeds Requirements <br />City Code requires that at least ten percent of the total landscaped area shall be covered with <br />perennials and /or shrubbery. For this particular development, the Code requires 57,931 <br />square feet of perennials and shrubbery. The applicant is proposing 69,303 square feet; an <br />excess of 11,372 square feet. <br />Planting Islands Exceeds Requirements <br />City Code requires that at least ten percent of the parking area be occupied by planting <br />islands that are at least 150 square feet in size and have at least one tree, which equates to <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for November 3, 2010 <br />Page 7 of 15 <br />
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